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Must one rash word, the infirmity of age, throw down the merit of my better years? - Joseph Addison To be rash is to be bold without shame and without skill. - Roger Ascham Rashness and haste make all things insecure. - Sir John Denham I was too hasty to condemn unheard; and you perhaps too prompt in your replies. - John Dryden Reckless haste makes poor speed. - Benjamin Franklin Rashness is the fruitful but unhappy parent of misfortune. - Thomas Fuller (1) Blind fortune pursues inconsiderate rashness. [Fr., Fortune aveugle suit aveugle hardiesse.] - Jean de la Fontaine, Fables (X, 14) We may outrun, By violent swiftness, that which we run at, And lose by over-running. - William Shakespeare, The Life of King Henry the Eighth (Norfolk at I, i) None are rash when they are not seen by anybody. - Leszczynski Stanislaus ("Stanislaus I") Nothing is more unreasonable than to entangle our spirits in wildness and amazement; like a partridge flattering in a net, which she breaks not, though she breaks her wings. - Jeremy Taylor Rashness is oftener the resort of cowardice than of courage. - Duke of Wellington, Arthur Wellesley
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