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[ Also see Agnosticism Atheism Being Belief Children's Day Christ Christ (Saviour) Christianity Churches Communion Confession Conversion Creed Death of Christ Deists Doctrine Duty Easter Faith Faith in Christ Faith in God Freedom of Religion God Gods Heaven Hell Heresy Holiness Idolatry Immortality Installation Service Jews Judaism Martyrdom Ministers Miracles Missionaries Mythology Myths Natural Law Pagan Piety Pope Praise Prayer Preaching Providence Puritanism Redemption Reform Reformation Resurrection Resurrection of Christ Retribution Revelation Reverence Righteousness Sabbath Sacrament Sacrifice Salvation Science Scripture Sects Spirituality Sunday School Superstition Symbols Theology Virtue Worship ]

If we make religion our business, God will make it our blessedness.
      - H.G.J. Adam

Religion contracts the circle of our pleasures, but leaves it wide enough for her votaries to expatiate in.
      - Joseph Addison

True religion and virtue give a cheerful and happy turn to the mind, admit of all true pleasures, and even procure for us the highest.
      - Joseph Addison

Religion is not a method, it is a life, a higher and supernatural life, mystical in its root and practical in its fruits; a communion with God, a calm and deep enthusiasm, a love which radiates, a force which acts, a happiness which overflows.
      - Henri-Frederic Amiel

Religion--that voice of the deepest human experience.
      - Matthew Arnold

Children of men! the unseen Power, whose eye
  Forever doth accompany mankind,
    Hath look'd on no religion scornfully
      That men did ever find.
      - Matthew Arnold, Progress (st. 10)

Lukewarm persons think they may accommodate points of religion by middle ways and witty reconcilements,--as if they would make an arbitrament between God and man.
      - Francis Bacon

There was never law, or set, or opinion did so much magnify goodness, as the Christian religion doth.
      - Francis Bacon,
        Essays--Of Goodness, and Goodness of Nature

The greatest vicissitude of things amongst men, is the vicissitude of sects and religions.
      - Francis Bacon, Of Vicissitude of Things

A true religious instinct never deprived man of one single joy; mournful faces and a sombre aspect are the conventional affectations of the weak-minded.
      - Hosea Ballou

Man, being not only a religious, but also a social being, requires for the promotion of his rational happiness religious institutions, which, while they give a proper direction to devotion, at the same time make a wise and profitable improvement of his social feelings.
      - Hosea Ballou

Too many people embrace religion from the same motives that they take a companion in wedlock, not from true love of the person, but because of a large dowry.
      - Hosea Ballou

Most geometricians, chemists, mathematicians and great scientists submit religion to reason only to discover a problem as unsolvable as that of squaring the circle.
      - Honore de Balzac

He who thinks to save anything by his religion, besides his soul, will be a loser in the end.
      - Joel Barlow

Religion is indeed woman's panoply; no one who wishes her happiness would divest her of it; no one who appreciates her virtues would weaken her best security.
      - Cyrus Augustus Bartol

A man has no more religion than he acts out in his life.
      - Henry Ward Beecher

A man's religion is himself. If he is right-minded toward God, he is religious; if the Lord Jesus Christ is his schoolmaster, then he is Christianly religious.
      - Henry Ward Beecher

All the sobriety which' religion needs or requires is that which real earnestness produces.
      - Henry Ward Beecher

All true religion must stand on true morality.
      - Henry Ward Beecher

By religion I mean perfected manhood,--the quickening of the soul by the influence of the Divine Spirit.
      - Henry Ward Beecher

Of all joyful, smiling, ever-laughing experiences, there are none like those which spring from true religion.
      - Henry Ward Beecher

Religion is the fruit of the Spirit, a Christian character, a true life.
      - Henry Ward Beecher

Religion is using everything for God.
      - Henry Ward Beecher

Religion, in one sense, is a life of self-denial, just as husbandry, in one sense, is a work of death.
      - Henry Ward Beecher

The call to religion is not a call to be better than your fellows, but to be better than yourself. Religion is relative to the individual.
      - Henry Ward Beecher

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