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Hath not old custom made this life more sweet Than that of painted pomp? Are not these woods More free from peril than the envious court? - William Shakespeare But what, it may be asked, are the requisites for a life of retirement? A man may be weary of the toils and torments of business, and yet quite unfit for the tranquil retreat. Without literature, friendship, and religion, retirement is in most cases found to be a dead, flat level, a barren waste, and a blank. Neither the body nor the soul can enjoy health and life in a vacuum. - William Wye Smith (used pseudonym Rusticus) No noise, no care, no vanity, no strife; men, woods and fields, all breathe untroubled life. - James Thomson (1) The fall of kings, The rage of nations, and the crush of states, Move not the man, who, from the world escap'd, In still retreats, and flowery solitudes, To Nature's voice attends, from month to month, And day to day, through the revolving year; Admiring, sees her in her every shape; Feels all her sweet emotions at his heart; Takes what she liberal gives, nor thinks of more. - James Thomson (1) How much they err who, to their interest blind, slight the calm peace which from retirement flows! - Mrs. Mary B. Tighe Displaying page 2 of 2 for this topic: << Prev 1 [2]
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