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If you are at Rome live in the Roman style; if you are elsewhere live as they live elsewhere. [Lat., Si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more; Si fueris alibi, vivito sicut ibi.] - Saint Ambrose, a version of the advice given to St. Augustine, quoted by Jeremy Taylor "Ductor Dubitantium", I, 1, 5 When I am at Rome I fast as the Romans do; when I am at Milan I do not fast. So likewise you, whatever church you come to, observe the custom of the place, if you would neither give offence to others, nor take offence from them. - Saint Ambrose, a version of the advice given to St. Augustine When I am at Rome, I fast on a Saturday: when I am at Milan I do not. Do the same. Follow the custom of the church where you are. - Saint Ambrose, St. Augustine gives this as the advice of St. Ambrose Now conquering Rome doth conquered Rome inter, And she the vanquished is, and vanquisher. To show us where she stood there rests alone Tiber; and that too hastens to be gone. Learn, hence what fortune can. Towns glide away; And rivers, which are still in motion, stay. - Joachim du Bellay, Antiquitez de Rome Every one soon or late comes round by Rome. - Robert Browning, Ring and the Book (V, 296) When they are at Rome, they do there as they see done. - Robert Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy (III, 4, 2) When falls the Coliseum, Rome shall fall; And when Rome falls--the World. - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron), Childe Harold (canto IV, st. 145) O Rome! my country! city of the soul! - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron), Childe Harold (canto IV, st. 78) You cheer my heart, who build as if Rome would be eternal. - Augustus Caesar (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus), to Piso, see Plutarch "Apothegms" When you are at Rome, do as you see. [Sp., Cuando a Roma fueres, haz como vieres.] - Cervantes (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra), Don Quixote To Rome for everything. [Sp., Y a Roma pro todo.] - Cervantes (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra), Don Quixote (2, 13, 55) What Roman power slowly built, an unarmed traitor instantly overthrew. [Lat., Quod tantis Romana manus contexuit annis Proditur unus iners angusto tempore vertit.] - Claudian (Claudianus), In Rufinum (II, 52) [Rome] Widow of a King-people, but still queen of the world. [Fr., Veuve d'un peuple-roi, mais reine encore du monde.] - Gabriel Gilbert, Papal Rome Rome, Rome, thou art no more As thou hast been! On thy seven hills of yore Thou sat'st a queen. - Mrs. Felicia D. Hemans, Roman Girl's Song Cease to admire the smoke, wealth, and noise of prosperous Rome. [Lat., Omitte mirari beatae Fumum et opes strepitumque Romae.] - Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus), Carmina (III, 29, 11) In tears I tossed my coin from Trevi's edge. A coin unsordid as a bond of love-- And, with the instinct of the homing dove, I gave to Rome my rendezvous and pledge. And when imperious Death Has quenched my flame of breath, Oh, let me join the faithful shades that throng that fount above. - Robert Underwood Johnson, Italian Rhapsody All roads lead to Rome, but our antagonists think we should choose different paths. [Fr., Tous chemins vont a Rome; ainsi nos concurrents Crurent pouvoir choisir des sentiers differents.] - Jean de la Fontaine, Le Juge Arbitre--Fable XII (28, 4) Rome was not built in a day. - Marcus Stellatus Palingenius (Pier Angelo Manzolli) See the wild Waste of all-devouring years! How Rome her own sad Sepulchre appears, With nodding arches, broken temples spread! The very Tombs now vanish'd like their dead! - Alexander Pope, Moral Essays--Epistle to Addison I am in Rome! Oft as the morning ray Visits these eyes, waking at once I cry, Whence this excess of joy? What has befallen me? And from within a thrilling voice replies, Thou art in Rome! A thousand busy thoughts Rush on my mind, a thousand images; And I spring up as girt to run a race! - Samuel Rogers, Rome I had rather be a dog and bay the moon Than such a Roman. - William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar (Brutus at IV, iii) Would that the Roman people had but one neck! [Lat., Utinam populus Romanus unam cervicem haberet!] - Caius Tranquillus Suetonius, in Life of Caligula, ascribed to Caligula, also ascribed to Caligula by Seneca and Cassius, ascribed to Nero by others
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