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[ Also see Anticipation Contentment Drinking Eating Enough Festivities Luxury Riches Suspense Wealth ]

The flower which we do not pluck is the only one which never loses its beauty or its fragrance.
      - William R. Alger

There is no sense of weariness like that which closes in a day of eager and unintermittent pursuit of pleasure. The apple is eaten, but "the core sticks in the throat." Expectation has then given way to ennui, appetite to satiety.
      - Christian Nestell Bovee

But passion raves herself to rest, or flies;
  And vice, that digs her own voluptuous tomb
    Had buried long his hopes, no more to rise:
      Pleasure's pall'd victim! life-abhorring gloom
        Wrote on his faded brow curst Cain's unresting doom.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)

Passion raves herself to rest, or flies.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)

'Twas strange--in youth all action and all life,
  Burning for pleasure, not averse from strife;
    Woman--the field--the ocean--all that gave
      Promise of gladness, peril of a grave,
        In turn he tried--he ransack'd all below,
          And found his recompense in joy or woe,
            No tame trite medium; for his feelings sought
              In that intenseness an escape from thought:
                The tempest of his heart in scorn had gazed
                  On that the feebler elements hath rais'd;
                    The rapture of his heart had look'd on high,
                      And ask'd if greater dwelt beyond the sky:
                        Chain'd to excess, the slave of such extreme,
                          How woke he from the wildness of that dream,
                            Alas! he told not--but he did awake
                              To curse the wither'd heart that would not break.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)

With pleasure drugged he almost longed for woe.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)

Some are cursed with the fullness of satiety; and how can they bear the ills of life when its very pleasures fatigue them?
      - Charles Caleb Colton

With much we surfeit; plenty makes us poor.
      - Michael Drayton

In all pleasure there is satiety.
      - George Hakewill (Hokewell)

The wholesomest meats that are will breed satiety.
      - Sir John Harrington

We grow tired of ourselves, much more of other people.
      - William Hazlitt (1)

The ear is cloyed unto satiety with honeyed strains, that daily from the fount of Helicon flow murmuring.
      - William Herbert

Everything that is in superabundance overflows from the full bosom.
      - Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)

If I had a lover who wanted to hear from me every day, I would break with him.
      - Madame Lafayette, Marie Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne

But thy words, with grace divine imbued, bring to their sweetness no satiety.
      - John Milton

Satiety comes of too frequent repetition; and he who will not give himself leisure to be thirsty can never find the true pleasure of drinking.
      - Michel Eyquem de Montaigne

The longest absence is less perilous to love than the terrible trials of incessant proximity.
      - Ouida (pseudonym of Marie Louise de la Ramee)

Pleasure and satiety live next door to each other.
      - Jean-Antoine Petit-Senn

The fruition of what is unlawful must be followed by remorse. The core sticks in the throat after the apple is eaten, and the sated appetite loathes the interdicted pleasure for which innocence was bartered.
      - Jane Porter

All surfeit is the father of much fast.
      - William Shakespeare

To loathe the taste of sweetness, whereof little more than a little is by much too much.
      - William Shakespeare

The most voluptuous and loose person breathing, were he tied to follow his hawks and his hounds, his dice and his courtships every day, would find it the greatest torment and calamity that could befall him; he would fly to the mines and galleys for his recreation.
      - Bishop Robert South

Pleasure, when it is a man's chief purpose, disappoints itself; and the constant application to it palls the faculty of enjoying it, though it leaves the sense of our inability for that we wish, with a disrelish of everything else.
      - Sir Richard Steele

The same stale viands, served up over and over, the stomach nauseates.
      - R. Wynne

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Last Revised: 2018 December 9

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