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Everyone carries his own inch-rule of taste, and amuses himself by applying it, triumphantly, wherever he travels. - Henry Brooks Adams I think I may define it to be the faculty of the soul which discerns the beauties of an author with pleasure, and the imperfections with dislike. - Joseph Addison We taste the fragrance of the rose. - Mark Akenside What, then, is taste, but those internal powers, active and strong, and feelingly alive to each fine impulse? a discerning sense of decent and sublime, with quick disgust from things deformed, or disarranged, or gross in species? This, nor gems, nor stores of gold, nor purple state, nor culture, can bestow, but God alone when first his sacred hand imprints the secret bias of the soul. - Mark Akenside Taste is, in general, considered as that faculty of the human mind by which we perceive and enjoy whatever is beautiful or sublime in the works of nature or art. - Sir Archibald Alison The mass of mankind are evidently slavish in their tastes, preferring a life suitable to beasts. - Aristotle Good native Taste, tho' rude, is seldom wrong, Be it in music, painting, or in song: But this, as well as other faculties, Improves with age and ripens by degrees. - John Armstrong 'Tis chiefly taste, or blunt, or gross, or fine, Makes life insipid, bestial, or divine. Better be born with taste to little rent Than the dull monarch of a continent; Without this bounty which the gods bestow, Can Fortune make one favorite happy? No. - John Armstrong The first law of dietetics seems to be: if it tastes good, it's bad for you. - attributed to Isaac Asimov A cultivated taste increases sensibility to all the tender and humane passions by giving them frequent exercise, while it tends to weaken the more violent and fierce emotions. - Hugh Blair Taste is the mind's tact. - Marquis Stanislas Jean de Boufflers Bad taste is a species of bad morals. - Christian Nestell Bovee It is not strange to me that persons of the fair sex should like, in all things about them, the handsomeness for which they find themselves most liked. - Robert Boyle Bad taste is simply saying the truth before it should be said. - Mel Brooks It is for the most part in our skill in manners, and in the observations of time and place and of decency in general, that what is called taste by way of distinction consists; and which is in reality no other than a more refined judgment. - Edmund Burke It is known that the taste--whatever it is--is improved exactly as we improve our judgment, by extending our knowledge, by a steady attention to our object, and by frequent exercise. - Edmund Burke The cause of a wrong taste is a defect of judgment. - Edmund Burke Taste, if it mean anything but a paltry connoisseurship, must mean a general susceptibility to truth and nobleness, a sense to discern, and a heart to love and reverence all beauty, order, goodness, wheresoever, or in whatsoever forms and accompaniments they are to be seen. This surely implies, as its chief condition, not any given external rank or situation, but a finely-gifted mind, purified into harmony with itself, into keenness and justness of vision; above all, kindled into love and generous admiration. - Thomas Carlyle It is genius that brings into being, and it is taste that preserves. Without taste genius is nought but sublime folly. - Francois August Rene de Chateaubriand, Vicomte de Chateaubriand Good taste consists first upon fitness. - George William Curtis A well-dressed woman in a room should fill it with poetic sense, like the perfume of flowers. - Maria Richards Oakey Dewing (Miss Oakey) Taste, when once obtained, may be said to be no acquiring faculty, and must remain stationary; but knowledge is of perpetual growth and has infinite demands. Taste, like an artificial canal, winds through a beautiful country, but its borders are confined and its term is limited. Knowledge navigates the ocean, and is perpetually on voyages of discovery. - Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield A taste which plenty does deprave loathes lawful goods, and lawless ill does crave. - John Dryden For age but tastes of pleasures youth devours. - John Dryden We imperatively require a perception of and a homage to beauty in our companions. Other virtues are in request in the field and workyard, but a certain degree of taste is not to be spared in those we sit with. - Ralph Waldo Emerson Displaying page 1 of 4 for this topic: Next >> [1] 2 3 4
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