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Is there no constancy in earthy things? No happiness in us, but what must alter? No life, without the heavy load of fortune? What miseries we are, and to ourselves? Ev'n then when full content seems to sit by us, What daily sores and sorrows. - Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher Thus doth the ever-changing course of things Run a perpetual circle, ever turning; And that same day, that highest glory brings, Brings us unto the point of back-returning. - Samuel Daniel Then grieve not that nought mortal Endures through passing years-- Did life one changeless tenor keep, 'T were cause indeed for tears. And fill we, ere our parting, A mantling pledge to sorrow; The pang that wrings the heart to-day, Time's touch will heal to-morrow. - Elizabeth F. Lummis Ellet A blossom full of promise is life's joy, That never comes to fruit. Hope, for a time, Suns the young floweret in its gladsome light, And it looks flourishing--a little while-- 'T is pass'd, we know not whither, but 't is gone. - Letitia Elizabeth Landon (Mrs. George MacLean) Thus run the wheels of state, now up, now down, And none that lives finds safety in a crown. - Gervase Markham and William Sampson Oh sad vicissitude Of earthly things! to what untimely end Are all the fading glories that attend Upon the state of greatest monarchs, brought! What safety can by policy be wrought, Or rest be found on fortune's restless wheel! - Thomas May Though the Indian ocean abounds in rich and rare gems, it does not boast a clearer sky nor more unruffled sea. If there be a shore that dreads not the fury of the faithless billows, it is some poor and narrow inlet unknown to the winds. - Metastasio (pseudonym of Antonio Domenico Bonaventura Trapassi Pietro) Roses bloom, and then they wither; Cheeks are bright, then fade and die; Shapes of light are wafted hither, Then, like visions, hurry by. - James Gates Percival We do not marvel at the sunrise of a joy, only at its sunset! Then, on the other hand, we are amazed at the commencement of a sorrow-storm; but that it should go off in gentle showers, we think quite natural. - Jean Paul Friedrich Richter (Johann Paul Richter) (used ps. Jean Paul) Sometimes hath the brightest day a cloud: and, after summer evermore succeeds barren winter, with his wrathful nipping cold: so cares and joys abound, as seasons fleet. - William Shakespeare, Henry VI
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