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Less than we imagine, from abusive words in controversy, does one individual, who is the vilified object, suffer harm. Vials of wrath in constant use, like uncorked bottles, lose the potency of their contents from too much exposure to the air; and disputants laugh !n each other's faces after having with hard adjectives metaphorically boxed one another's ears. - Cyrus Augustus Bartol Scurrility has no object in view but incivility; if it is uttered from feelings of petulance, it is mere abuse; if it is spoken in a joking manner, it may be considered raillery. - Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (often called "Tully" for short) When he (Luther) was angry, invectives rushed from him like boulder rocks down a mountain torrent in flood. - Desiderius Gerhard Erasmus The bitter clamor of two eager tongues. - William Shakespeare For evil deeds may better than bad words be borne. - Edmund Spenser
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