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[ Also see Coquetry Courtship Flirtation Heart Inconstancy Kisses Love Matrimony Sighs Wives Women ]

The first thing necessary to win the heart of a woman is opportunity.
      - Honore de Balzac

Thrice happy's the wooing that's not long adoing.
  So much time is saved in the billing and cooing.
      - Richard Harris Barham,
        Sir Rupert the Fearless

Why don't the men propose, mamma?
  Why don't the men propose?
      - Thomas Haynes Bayly (Bayley),
        Songs and Ballads--Why Don't the Men Propose?

After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise.
      - Bible, Numbers (ch. XIV, v. 34)

There be three things which are too wonderful for me, yea, four which I know not:
  The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maid.
      - Bible, Proverbs (ch. XXX, v. 18-19)

'Twas he that ranged the words at random flung,
  Pierced the fair pearls and them together strung.
      - Bidpai (Pilpay), Anvari Suhaili,
        (Eastwick's rendering)

"Yes," I answered you last night;
  "No," this morning, sir, I say:
    Colors seen by candle-light
      Will not look the same by day.
      - Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
        The Lady's "Yes"

Woo the fair one when around
  Early birds are singing;
    When o'er all the fragrant ground
      Early herbs are springing:
        When the brookside, bank, and grove
          All with blossom laden,
            Shine with beauty, breathe of love,
              Woo the timid maiden.
      - William Cullen Bryant, Love's Lessons

Alas! to seize the moment
  When the heart inclines to heart,
    And press a suit with passion,
      Is not a woman's part.
        If man come not to gather
          The roses where they stand,
            They fade among their foliage,
              They cannot seek his hand.
      - William Cullen Bryant, Song,
        translated from the Spanish of Iglesias

Duncan Gray cam here to woo,
  Ha, ha, the wooing o't!
    On blithe Yuletide when we were fou,
      Ha, ha, the wooing o't!
        Maggie coost her head fu' high,
          Looked asklent and unco skeigh,
            Gart poor Duncan stand abeigh:
              Ha, ha! the wooing o't!
      - Robert Burns, Duncan Gray

The landlady and Tam grew gracious
  Wi' favours secret, sweet and precious.
      - Robert Burns, Tam o'Shanter (st. 7)

And let us mind, faint heart ne'er wan
  A lady fair.
    Wha does the utmost that he can
      Will whyles do mair.
      - Robert Burns, To Dr. Blackjack

How often in the summer-tide,
  His graver business set aside,
    His stripling Will, the thoughtful-eyed
      As to the pipe of Pan,
        Stepped blithesomely with lover's pride
          Across the fields to Anne.
      - Richard Eugene Burton,
        Across the Fields to Anne

Blessed is the wooing
  That is not long a-doing.
      - quoted by Robert Burton,
        Anatomy of Melancholy

He that will win his dame must do
  As love does when he draws his bow;
    With one hand thrust the lady from,
      And with the other pull her home.
      - Samuel Butler (1), Hudibras
         (pt. II, canto I, l. 449)

She that with poetry is won,
  Is but a desk to write upon;
    And what men say of her they mean
      No more than on the thing they lean.
      - Samuel Butler (1), Hudibras
         (pt. II, canto I, l. 591)

Do proper homage to thine idol's eyes;
  But no too humbly, or she will despise
    Thee and thy suit, though told in moving tropes:
      Disguise even tenderness if thou art wise.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron),
        Childe Harold (canto II, st. 34)

Not much he kens, I ween, of woman's breast,
  Who thinks that wanton thing is won by sighs.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron),
        Childe Harold (canto II, st. 34)

'Tis an old lesson; time approves it true,
  And those who know it best, deplore it most;
    When all is won that all desire to woo,
      The paltry prize is hardly worth the cost.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron),
        Childe Harold (canto II, st. 35)

And whispering, "I will ne'er consent," consented.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron),
        Don Juan (canto I, st. 117)

There is a tide in the affairs of women
  Which, taken at the flood, leads--God knows where.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron),
        Don Juan (canto VI, st. 2)

Some are soon bagg'd but some reject three dozen.
  'Tis fine to see them scattering refusals
    And wild dismay, o'er every angry cousin
      (Friends of the party) who begin accusals,
        Such as--"Unless Miss (Blank) meant to have chosen
          Poor Frederick, why did she accord perusals
            To his billets? Why waltz with him? Why, I pray,
              Look yes least night, and yet say No to-day?"
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron),
        Don Juan (canto XII, st. 34)

'Tis enough--
  Who listens once will listen twice;
    Her heart be sure is not of ice,
      And one refusal no rebuff.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron),
        Mazeppa (st. 6)

Better be courted and jilted
  Than never be courted at all.
      - Thomas Campbell, The Jilted Nymph

Never wedding, ever wooing,
  Still a lovelorn heart pursuing,
    Read you not the wrong you're doing
      In my cheek's pale hue?
        All my life with sorrow strewing;
          Wed or cease to woo.
      - Thomas Campbell, The Maid's Remonstrance

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