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A woman's work, grave sirs, is never done. - Mrs. Eusden, Poem Do each daily task the best we can; act as though the eye of opportunity were always upon us. - William Feather Few of us get anything without working for it. - William Feather If people really liked to work, we'd still be plowing the land with sticks and transporting goods on our backs. - William Feather Men do their hardest work at the bottom of the ladder, not at the top. - William Feather The rule for every worthwhile man is that no serious job ever shall receive less than his best thought and effort. - William Feather Each one to his own trade; then would the cows be well cared for. - Jean P. Claris de Florian, Le Vacher et le Garde-chasse Plough deep while sluggards sleep. - Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard Handle your tools without mittens. - Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard (preface) By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day. - Robert Lee Frost "Men work together," I told him from the heart, "Whether they work together or apart." - Robert Lee Frost, Tuft of Flowers My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was less competition there. - Indira Gandhi In every rank, or great or small, 'Tis industry supports us all. - John Gay, Man, Cat, Dog, and Fly (l. 63) Basically, I no longer work for anything but the sensation I have while working. - Alberto Giacometti You work that you may keep peace with the earth and the soul of the earth. - Kahlil Gibran Properly speaking, such work is never finished; one must declare it so when, according to time and circumstances, one has done one's best. [Ger., So eine Arbeit wird eigentlich nie fertig; man muss sie fur fertig erklaren, wenn man nach Zeit und Umstand das Moglichste getan hat.] - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Italienische Reise He that well his warke beginneth The rather a good ende he winneth. - John Gower ("The Moral Gower"), Confessio Amantis Work is the price which is paid for reputation. - Baltasar Gracian (used pseudonym Lorenzo Gracian) In work consists the true pride of life; grounded in active employment, though early ardor may abate, it never degenerates into indifference, and age lives in perennial youth. Life is a weariness only to the idle, or where the soul is empty. - Leopold Hartley Grindon No man is happier than he who loves and fulfills that particular work for the world which falls to his share. Even though the full understanding of his work, and of its ultimate value, may not be present with him; if he but love it--always assuming that his conscience approves--it brings an abounding satisfaction. - Leopold Hartley Grindon A warke it ys as easie to be done As tys to saye Jacke! robys on. - James Orchard Halliwell, Archoeological Dictionary, quotation from an old play Avowed work, even when uncongenial, is far less trying to patience than feigned pleasure. - Philip Gilbert Hamerton Unless a man works he cannot find out what he is able to do. - Philip Gilbert Hamerton When Adam dalfe and Eve spane So spire if thou may spede, Where was then the pride of man, That nowe merres his mede? - Richard Rolle de Hampole, Early English Text Society Reprints (no. 26, p. 79) Joy to the Toiler!--him that tills The fields with Plenty crowned; Him with the woodman's axe that thrills The wilderness profound. - Benjamin Hathaway, Songs of the Toiler Displaying page 4 of 9 for this topic: << Prev Next >> 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 8 9
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