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To bend a bamboo, start when it is a shoot.
      - (Malay) [Proverbs]

To censure princes is perilous, and to praise them is lying.
      - (Italian) [Proverbs]

To change and change for the better are two different things.
      - (German) [Proverbs]

To change and to do better are two different things.
      - (German) [Proverbs]

To change one's habits smacks of death.
      - (Portuguese) [Proverbs]

To change one's mind is rather a sign of prudence than ignorance.
      - (Spanish) [Proverbs]

To circumstances and custom the law must yield.
      - (Danish) [Proverbs]

To compare is not to prove.
      - (French) [Proverbs]

To conceal disease is fatal.
      - (Latin) [Proverbs]

To condemn by a cutting laugh comes easily to all.
      - (Latin) [Proverbs]

To cut into another's man's ear is like cutting into a felt hat.
      - (Danish) [Proverbs]

To deceive a diplomat speak the truth, he has no experience with it.
      - (Greek) [Proverbs]

To do a favour slowly is to begrudge it; to consent slowly shows unwillingness.
      - (Latin) [Proverbs]

To do good to the ungrateful is to throw rose-water into the sea.
      - [Proverbs]

To do like the monkey, get the chesnuts out of the fire with the cat's paw.
      - (French) [Proverbs]

To do nothing teacheth to do evil.
      - (Dutch) [Proverbs]

To do, one must be doing.
      - (French) [Proverbs]

To eat and drink, and sleep together, is marriage, methinks.
      - (French) [Proverbs]

To eat and to scratch one has but to begin.
      - (Spanish) [Proverbs]

To err is human, to forgive divine.
      - [Proverbs]

To every answer you can find a new question.
      - (Yiddish) [Proverbs]

To every bird its nest seems fair.
      - (French) [Proverbs]

To every evil doer his evil day.
      - (Spanish) [Proverbs]

To every fool his cap.
      - (Dutch) [Proverbs]

To every lord every honour.
      - (French) [Proverbs]

To every one his own is not too much.
      - (German) [Proverbs]

To every one who doth ask, but not everything he doth ask.
      - (Latin) [Proverbs]

To every saint his candle.
      - (French) [Proverbs]

To every saint his torch.
      - (Italian) [Proverbs]

To expect what never comes, to lie in bed and not sleep, to serve well and not be advanced, are three things to die of.
      - (Italian) [Proverbs]

To fall out of the frying-pan into the fire.
      - (Italian) [Proverbs]

To find oneself in tight breeches. (Ill at ease--we say in tight boots.)
      - (Spanish) [Proverbs]

To flee and to run are not all one.
      - (Spanish) [Proverbs]

To forget a wrong is the best revenge.
      - [Proverbs]

To forget one's ancestor's is to be a brook without a source, a tree without root.
      - (Chinese) [Proverbs]

To get eggs there must be some cackling.
      - (Dutch) [Proverbs]

To get the chicks one must coax the hen.
      - (French) [Proverbs]

To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping.
      - (Chinese) [Proverbs]

To give counsel to a fool is like throwing water on a goose.
      - (Danish) [Proverbs]

To give is honour, to beg is dishonour.
      - (Portuguese) [Proverbs]

To give is honour, to love is grief.
      - (Spanish) [Proverbs]

To give quickly is to give doubly.
      - (German) [Proverbs]

To give tardily is to refuse.
      - (French) [Proverbs]

To go as fast as a friar that is invited to dinner.
      - [Proverbs]

To go beyond is as bad as to fall short.
      - (Chinese) [Proverbs]

To go safely through the world you must have the eye of a falcon, the ear of an ass, the face of an ape, the mouth of a pig, the shoulders of a camel, and the legs of a deer.
      - (Italian) [Proverbs]

To God's council-chamber there is no key.
      - (Danish) [Proverbs]

To good eating belongs good drinking.
      - (German) [Proverbs]

To grow rich one has only to turn his back on God.
      - (French) [Proverbs]

To hang your sickle on another man's corn.
      - (Dutch) [Proverbs]

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