GIGA Quotes | Extensive collection of 100,000+ ancient and modern quotations, aphorisms, maxims, proverbs, sayings, truisms, mottoes, book excerpts, poems and the like browsable by 6,000+ authors or 3,500+ cross-referenced topics [20,000+ proverbs] or chronologically. |
Biographical Index | Directory of 13,000+ biographical names of historical figures, world leaders, noted authors, famous celebrities and the like including nationality, occupation, and years of birth and death. |
Reading List | Selective list of 3,000+ classical, notable and best-selling books and other significant literature including 2,300+ first line excerpts from those works. |
Crossword Puzzle Solver | An online crossword puzzle solver that provides help in finding possible solutions to puzzles by providing lists of words that will fit. |
Anagram Solver | An online anagram solver that provides help in finding possible solutions to word puzzles by providing lists of words containing the letters you enter. |
Subanagram Solver | An online subanagram solver that provides help in finding possible words of 3 letters or more that can be formed from the letters you enter. |
Backgammon | Play backgammon online against a computer program using the simple interface of GIGA Backgammon 3.0. |
LexiThink | An online word game testing a player's vocabulary and his knowledge of the dictionary and lexicon. |
Anagram Game | An online word game testing a player's ability to solve anagrams derived from words found in GIGA's voluminous dictionary. |
Site Notes | General notes and comments about the GIGA® web site. Read more about our website and learn how to contact us here. |