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All our first movements are good, generous, heroical; reflection weakens and kills them. - [Impulse : Instinct] If you would know the political and moral condition of a people, ask as to the position of its women. - [Women] In exalting the faculties of the soul, we annihilate, in a great degree, the delusion of the senses. - [Education] It is very clear that one way to challenge insults is to submit to them. - [Insult] It requires two indiscreet persons to institute a quarrel; one individual cannot quarrel alone. - [Quarrels] Kindness, the poetry of the heart. - [Kindness] Love is a flame which burns in heaven and whose soft reflections radiate to us. Two worlds are opened, two lives given to it. It is by love that we double our being; it is by love that we approach God. - [Love] Whatever may be the laws and customs of a country, women always give the tone to morals. Whether slaves or free, they reign, because their empire is that of the affections. - [Morality]
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