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Instead of judgment, woman has rather a quick perception of what is fitting, owing to the predominance of her instinctive faculties. The quick perception, indeed, bears the stamp of instinct. - [Instinct] It seems to me that a truly lovable woman is thereby unfitted for friendship, and that a woman fitted for friendship is but little fitted for love. - [Friendship] Man cannot degrade woman without himself falling into degradation; he cannot elevate her without at the same time elevating himself. - [Equality] Woman has gradually risen in the scale of humanity, till she now occupies a position loftier than which her proudest ambition need scarcely aspire--a position, if not equal to what false flatterers may claim to be her due, yet one, if she but improve the opportunities placed within her reach, equal to the moral regeneration of the world. - [Position] Woman's influence embraces the whole of life. - [Influence]
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