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Be slow in considering, but resolute in action. - [Action] He who will lose a present good for one in expectation hath some wit, but a small store of wisdom. - [Expectation] Hear much; speak little. - [Speech] It becomes not a law-maker to be a law-breaker. - [Crime] It is better to decide a difference between enemies than friends, for one of our friends will certainly become an enemy and one of our enemies a friend. - [Enemies] Monarch, thou wishest to cover thyself with glory; be the first to submit to the laws of thy empire. - [Government] Most men are bad. - his motto, inscribed on Temple of Apollo at Delphi, [Character : Mottoes : Proverbs] Some, by admiring other men's virtues, become enemies to their own vices. - [Virtue] Speak of the gods as they are. - [Gods] The greatest misfortune of all is not to be able to bear misfortune. - [Misfortune] The majority is wicked. - [Wickedness]
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