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Affliction is the wholesome soil of virtue, where patience, honor, sweet humanity, calm fortitude, take root and strongly flourish. - [Adversity] Ambition! deadly tyrant! inexorable master! what alarms, what anxious hours, what agonies of heart, are the sure portion of thy gaudy slaves? - [Ambition] Are afflictions aught But mercies in disguise? th' alternate cup. Medicinal though bitter, and prepar'd By love's own hand for salutary ends. - [Affliction] Look, from the turbid south What floods of flame in red diffusion burst, Frequent and furious, darted thro' the dark And broken ridges of a thousand clouds, Pil'd hill on hill; and hark, the thunder rous'd, Groans in long roarings through the distant gloom. - [Tempests] O grant me, heav'n, a middle state, Neither too humble nor too great; More than enough for nature's ends, With something left to treat my friends. - [Poverty] The multitude unaw'd is insolent; Once seiz'd with fear, contemptible and vain. - [Mob] The rose was budded in her cheek, just opening to the view. - [Blushes] The vulgar refuse or crouch beneath their load; the brave bear theirs without repining. - [Fortitude] True valor, friends, on virtue founded strong, Meets all events alike. - [Courage] Uncertainty! Fell demon of our fears! the human soul, That can support despair, supports not thee. - [Uncertainty] Who despises fame will soon renounce the virtues that deserve it. - [Fame] Who hath not known ill-fortune, never knew Himself, or his own virtue. - [Misfortune] Words that weep, and strains that agonise. - Amyntor and Theodora (II, 306) [Words] The wailing owl Screams solitary to the mournful moon. - Excursion [Owls] Strains that sigh and words that weep. - Funeral Hymn (23) [Words]
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