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In general, it is not very difficult for little minds to attain splendid situations. It is much more difficult for great minds to attain the place to which their merit fully entitles them. - [Position] Montesquieu had the style of a genius; Buffon, the genius of style. - [Style] The blind fanaticism of one foolish honest man may cause more evil than the united efforts of twenty rogues. - [Fanaticism] The glory of a people and of an age is always the work of a small number of great men, and disappears with them. - [Glory] The greatest men have not always the best heads; many indiscretions may be pardoned to a brilliant and ardent imagination. The prudence and discretion of a cold heart are not worth half so much as the follies of an ardent mind. - [Greatness] There is nothing so sure of succeeding as not to be over brilliant, as to be entirely wrapped up in one's self, and endowed with a perseverance which, in spite of all the rebuffs it may meet with, never relaxes in the pursuit of its object. It is incredible what may be done by dint of importunity alone; and where shall we find the man of real talents who knows how to be importunate enough! - [Success]
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