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Grant was not a creator of circumstances; had not opportunities sought him, the world would have been ignorant of the gifts God stored in him. - [Grant's Birthday] He was compassionate. With what joy he brought liberty to the enslaved. He was forgiving. In this respect he was strikingly suggestive of the Saviour. He was great. Time will but augment the greatness of his name and fame. Perhaps a greater man never ruled in this or any other nation. He was good and pure and incorruptible. He was a patriot; he loved his country; he poured out his soul unto death for it. He was human, and thus touched the chord that makes the world akin. - [Lincoln's Birthday] His biography is written in blood and tears; uncounted millions arise and call him blessed! a redeemed and reunited republic is his monument. - [Lincoln's Birthday] Other lands have had heroes, but ours were more--they were saviors, and by their sacrifices have saved the greatest land under the shining sun. - [Decoration Day] Our unconquerable hero has gone forward, until at last he has been called to mingle in the Court of the Most High, and when the roll has been called for the last time, when the last reveille has been sounded, when the last battle has been fought, the honored name of Ulysses S. Grant will be found on the unchanging pages of history as one whom God raised up for a special work; and history will show how nobly was that work done, how fearlessly were our armies led to victory by the greatest military leader of modern times. A leader who battled not for the advancement of his own interests--not that he might be at the head of an empire, but prompted by his love of right, he fought that the millions in bondage should be slaves no more, and for the triumph of right and the preservation of the union. - [Grant's Birthday]
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