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An Indian philosopher, being asked what were, according to his opinion, the two most beautiful things in the universe, answered: The starry heavens above our heads, and the feeling of duty in our hearts. - [Beauty] Every error is truth abused. - [Error] Honor is like the eye, which cannot suffer the least injury without damage; it is a precious stone, the price of which is lessened by the least flaw. - [Honor] The spirit of the world encloses four kinds of spirits, diametrically opposed to charity--the spirit of resentment, spirit of aversion, spirit of jealousy and the spirit of indifference. - [Charity] The world itself makes us sick of the world. - [Work] To guard the mind against the temptation of thinking that there are no good people, say to them: "Be such as you would like to see others, and you will find those who resemble you." - [Appreciation] Truth is a queen who has her eternal throne in heaven, and her seat of empire in the heart of God. - [Truth] Well-meant ignorance is a grievous calamity in high places. - [Ignorance] It is only the first obstacle which counts to conquer modesty. [Fr., Il n'y a que le premier obstacle qui coute a vaincre la pudeur.] - Pensees Chretiennes et Morales (IX) [Beginnings] Ah! the perfidious English! [Fr., Ah! la perfide Angleterre!] - Sermon on the Circumcision, preaching at Metz, quoted by Napoleon on leaving England for St. Helena [England]
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