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To be a god First I must be a god-maker: We are what we create. - Jottings--To Be a God--In War and Laughter [Gods] Man's the bad child of the universe. - Laughter [Man] Hadn't he been blowing kisses to Earth millions of years before I was born? - Morning and I [Morning] We age inevitably: The old joys fade and are gone: And at last comes equanimity and the flame burning clear. - New Year's Eve [Age] Up in the heights of the evening skies I see my City of Cities float In sunset's golden and crimson dyes: I look and a great joy clutches my throat! Plateau of roofs by canyons crossed: windows by thousands fire-furled-- O gazing, how the heart is lost in the Deepest City in the World. - New York from a Skyscraper [New York] Quick as a humming bird is my love, Dipping into the hearts of flowers-- She darts so eagerly, swiftly, sweetly Dipping into the flowers of my heart. - Quick as a Humming Bird [Hummingbirds] They can only set free men free . . . And there is no need of that: Free men set themselves free. - The Slave [Freedom] The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; The wise grows it under his feet. - The Wise [Happiness] Would you end war? Create great Peace. - War and Laughter, 1914, And After (IV) [Peace]
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