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A broken bone can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever. - [Words] A taste for irony has kept more hearts from breaking than a sense of humor for it takes irony to appreciate the joke which is on oneself. - [Irony] Groan and forget it. - [Trouble] I've done more harm by the falseness of trying to please than by the honesty of trying to hurt. - [Pleasing] Justice is a terrible but necessary thing. - [Justice] Sleeplessness is a desert without vegetation or inhabitants. - [Sleep] The sick soon come to understand that they live in a different world from that of the well and that the two cannot communicate. - [Sickness] The source of one's joy is also often the source of one's sorrow. - [Joy] To meet at all, one must open one's eyes to another; and there is no true conversation, no matter how many words are spoken, unless the eye, unveiled and listening open itself to the other. - [Openness]
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