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So far as I ever observed God's dealings with my soul, the flights of preachers sometimes entertained me, but it was Scripture expressions which did penetrate my heart, and in a way peculiar to themselves. - [Bible] There is a shrine in the temple of age, where lie forever embalmed the memories of such as have deserved well of their country and their race. - [Decoration Day] Now let us thank th' eternal power, convinc'd That Heaven but tries our virtue by affliction: That oft the cloud which wraps the present hour, Serves but to brighten our future days! - Bararossa (act V, sc. 3) [Affliction] The intent and not the deed Is in our power; and, therefore, who dares greatly Does greatly. - Barbarossa [Courage] 'Tis mean for empty praise of wit to write, As fopplings grin to show their teeth are white. - Essay of Satire (st. 2) [Foppery] Truth's sacred fort th' exploded laugh shall win, And coxcombs vanquish Berkeley with a grin. - Essay on Satire (pt. II, V, 224) [Laughter]
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