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For the sake of health, medicines are taken by weight and measure; so ought food to be, or by some similar rule. - [Appetite] History makes us some amends for the shortness of life. - [History] Laymen say, indeed, How they take no heed Their sely sheep to feed, But pluck away and pull The fleeces of their wool. - Colin Clout [Public] Nede hath no lawe. - Colyn Cloute (l. 865) [Necessity] Nor wyll suffer this boke By hooke ne by crooke Printed to be. - Duke of Clout [Books] There is nothynge that more dyspleaseth God Than from theyr children to spare the rod. - Magnyfycence (l. 1,954) [Punishment] That byrd ys nat honest That fylythe hys owne nest. - Poems Against Garnesche (III) [Birds] He knew what is what. - Why Come Ye nat to Courte (l. 1,106) [Knowledge] In the spyght of his tethe. - Why Come Ye nat to Courte (l. 939) [Dentistry] But have ye not heard this, How an one-eyed man is Well sighted when He is among blind men? - Why come ye not to Courte?, writing about Wolsey [Eyes] He ruleth all the roste With bragging and with boste. - Why come ye not to Courte?, of Cardinal Wolsey [Cookery]
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