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Be careful that you believe not hastily strange news and strange stories; and be much more careful that you do not report them, though at the second hand; for if it prove an untruth (as commonly strange stories prove so), it brings an imputation of levity upon him that reports it, and possibly some disadvantage to others. - [Tattling] Contemplation of human nature doth by a necessary connection and chain of causes carry us up to the Deity. - [God] Laziness grows on people; it begins in cobwebs, and ends in iron chains. The more business a man has to do, the more he is able to accomplish; for he learns to economize his time. - [Idleness] Men or women that are greedy of acquaintance, or hasty in it, are oftentimes snared in ill company before they are aware, and entangled so, that they cannot easily get loose from it after, when they would. - [Company] Run not into debt, either for wares sold or money borrowed; be content to want things that are not of absolute necessity, rather than to run up the score. - [Debt] The intellectual faculty is a goodly field, capable of great improvement, and it is the worst husbandry in the world to sow it with trifles and impertinences. - [Mind] The intellectual husbandry is a good field, and it is the worst husbandry in the world to sow it with trifles. - [Study] The thread and train of consequences in intellective ratiocination is often long, and chained together by divers links, which cannot be done in imaginative ratiocination, by some attributed to brutes. - [Reason] The vanity of loving fine clothes and new fashions, and valuing ourselves by them, is one of the most childish pieces of folly that can be. - [Dress] To the present impulse of sense, memory, and instinct, all the sagacities of brutes may be reduced; though witty men, by analytical resolution, have chemically extracted an artificial logic out of their actions. - [Instinct] When rogues fall out, honest men get into their own. - [Honesty]
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