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A wise man reflects before he speaks; a fool speaks, and then reflects on what he has uttered. - [Talking] Ignorant people are to be caught by the ears as one catches a pot by the handle. - [Credulity] Misfortunes are, in morals, what bitters are in medicine: each is at first disagreeable; but as the bitters act as corroborants to the stomach, so adversity chastens and ameliorates the disposition. - [Misfortune] Politeness is the art of rendering to every one, without effort, that which is socially his due. - [Politeness] Speak little and well, if you wish to be considered as possessing merit. - [Conversation] The conqueror is regarded with awe, the wise man commands our esteem, but it is the benevolent man who wins our affections. - [Benevolence] The happiness of the human race in this world does not consist in our being devoid of passions, but in our learning to command them. - [Happiness] The passions act as winds to propel our vessel, our reason is the pilot that steers her; without the winds she would not move, without the pilot she would be lost. - [Passion] We are never rendered so ridiculous by qualities which we possess, as by those which we aim at, or affect to have. - [Affectation] When a man finds not repose in himself it is in vain for him to seek it elsewhere. - [Repose]
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