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A stranger, if just, is not only to be preferred before a countryman, but a kinsman. - [Strangers] A wound from a tongue is worse than a wound from the sword; the latter affects only the body--the former, the spirit, the soul. - [Tongue] Above all things, reverence yourself. - [Self-respect] Abstain from beans. - advice against political voting, which was done by means of beans [Politics] Anger begins with folly, and ends in repentance. - [Anger] Be silent, or say something better than silence. - [Silence] Do not say a little in many words but a great deal in a few. - [Brevity] Friends are as companions on a journey, who ought to aid each other to persevere in the road to a happier life. - [Friends] I was at Euphorbus at the siege of Troy. - [Evolution] If there be light, then there is darkness; if cold, then heat; if height, depth also; if solid, then fluid; hardness and softness, roughness and smoothness, calm and tempest, prosperity and adversity, life and death. - [Contrast] In this theater of man's life, it is reserved only for God and angels to be lookers-on. - [Industry] It is better either to be silent, or to say things of more value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words, but a great deal in a few. - [Silence] It is only necessary to make war with five things: with the maladies of the body, the ignorances of the mind, with the passions of the body, with the seditious of the city, and the discords of families. - [War] Let a man use great reverence and manners to himself. - [Self-respect] Let exercise alternate with rest. - [Exercise] Let not sleep fall upon thy eyes till thou hast thrice reviewed the transactions of the past day. Where have I turned aside from rectitude? What have I been doing? What have I left undone, which I ought to have done? Begin thus from the first act, and proceed; and in conclusion, at the ill which thou hast done, be troubled, and rejoice for the good. - [Self-examination] No man is free who cannot command himself. - [Self-control] There are in woman's eyes two sorts of tears,--the one of grief, the other of deceit. - [Women] Truth is so great a perfection that if God would render himself visible to men, he would choose light for his body and truth for his soul. - [Truth] Truth is to be sought with a mind purified from the passions of the body. Having overcome evil things, thou shalt experience the union of the union mortal divinity with the mortal man. - [Truth] We ought not to quit our post without the permission of Him who commands; the post of man is life. - [Suicide] Wealth is a weak anchor, and glory cannot support a man; this is the law of God, that virtue only is firm, and cannot be shaken by a tempest. - [Virtue] Wisdom thoroughly learned will never be forgotten. - [Wisdom] Choose always the way that seems the best, however rough it may be. Custom will render it easy and agreeable. - Ethical Sentences from Stoboeus [Custom] In all thou dost first let thy Prayers ascend, And to the Gods thy Labours first commend, From them implore Success, and hope a prosperous End. - Golden Verses (l. 49) [Prayer]
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