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Bashfulness is not so much the effect of an ill-education, as the proper gift and provision of wise nature. Every stage of life has its own set of manners, that is suited to it, and best becomes it. Each is beautiful in its season; and you might as well quarrel with the child's rattle, and advance him directly to the boy's top and spanfarthing, as expect from diffident youth the manly confidence of riper age. - [Modesty] In this awfully stupendous manner, at which Reason stands aghast, and Faith herself is half confounded, was the grace of God to man at length manifested. - [Death of Christ] Prejudice is an equivocal term; and may as well mean right opinions taken upon trust and deeply rooted in the mind, as false and absurd opinions so derived, and grown into it. - [Prejudice] Reason stands aghast at the sight of an "unprincipled, immoral, incorrigible" publick; And the word of God abounds in such threats and denunciations, as must strike terror into the heart of every believer. - Works (vol. IV, sermon 1) [Public]
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