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Anger is implanted in us as sort of sting, to make us gnash with our teeth against the devil, to make us vehement against him, not to set us in array against each other. - [Anger] By woe the soul to daring action steals; by woe in plaintless patience it excels. - [Woe] Child of despair, and suicide by name. - [Suicide] The man of thought strikes deepest and strikes safest. - [Thought] The only thought in the world that is worth anything is free thought. To free thought we owe all past progress and all hope for the future. Since when has any one made it appear that shackled thought could get on better than that which is free? Brains are a great misfortune if one is never to use them. - [Thought] Those who murder fame Kill more than life destroyers. - [Slander] When anger rushes unrestrained to action, like a hot steed, it stumbles on its way. The man of thought strikes deepest and strikes safely. - [Anger] May see thee now, though late, redeem thy name, And glorify what else is damn'd to fame. - Character of the Rev. James Foster (l. 43) [Fame] He lives to build, not boast, a generous race; No tenth transmitter of a foolish face. - The Bastard (l. 7) [Inheritance] Such, Polly, are your sex--part truth, part fiction; Some thought, much whim, and all a contradiction. - To a Young Lady [Women]
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