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Her eye in silence hath a speech which eye best understands. - [Eyes] Lingering labors come to naught. - [Delay] My mind to me an empire is. - [Mind] Shun delays, they breed remorse; Take thy time, while time is lent thee; Creeping snail's have weakest force; Fly their fault, lest thou repent thee; Good is best when soonest wrought, Ling'ring labours come to naught. Hoist tip sail while gale doth last, Tide and wind stay no man's pleasure; Seek not time, when time is past, Sober speed is wisdom's leisure, After-wits are dearly bought, Let thy fore-wit guide thy thought. - [Delay] The saddest birds a season find to sing. - [Happiness] I feel no care of coin; Well-doing is my wealth; My mind to me an empire is, While grace affordeth health. - Content and Rich (Look Home) [Mind] Man's mind a mirror is of heavenly sights, A brief wherein all marvels summed lie, Of fairest forms and sweetest shapes the store, Most graceful all, yet thought may grace them more. - Content and Rich (Look Home) [Mind] Time wears all his locks before, Take thou hold upon his forehead; When he flies he turns no more, And behind his scalp is naked. Works adjourn'd have many stays, Long demurs breed new delays. - Loss in Delay [Time]
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