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A departure from the truth was hardly ever known to be a single one. - [Truth] A fop takes great pains to hang out a sign, by his dress, of what he has within. - [Fops] A man who flatters a woman hopes either to find her a fool or to make her one. - [Flattery] A man who insults the modesty of a woman, as good as tells her that he has seen something in her conduct that warranted his presumption. - [Insult] A prudent person, having to do with a designing one, will always distrust most when appearances are fairest. - [Vigilance] Air and manners are more expressive than words. - [Manners] An acknowledged love sanctifies every little freedom; and little freedoms beget great ones. - [Temptation] An acquaintance with the muses, in the education of youth, contributes not a little to soften manners. It gives a delicate turn to the imagination and a polish to the mind. - [Education] An honest heart is not to be trusted with itself in bad company. - [Temptation] Beauty is an accidental and transient good. - [Beauty] Calamity is the test of integrity. - [Calamities] Chastity, like piety, is a uniform grace. - [Chastity] Everything is pretty that is young. - [Youth] Evil courses can yield pleasure no longer than while thought and reflection can be kept off. - [Sin] Friendly satire may be compared to a fine lancet, which gently breathes a vein for health's sake. - [Satire] He only who gave life has a power over it. - [Suicide] Honesty is good sense, politeness, amiableness,--all in one. - [Honesty] It is but shaping the bribe to the taste, and every one has his price. - [Avarice] Men are less forgiving than women. - [Forgiveness] Over-niceness may be under-niceness. - [Prudery] People hardly ever do anything in anger, of which they do not repent. - [Anger] Platonic love is platonic nonsense. - [Love] Rakes are more suspicious than honest men. - [Suspicion] Romances, in general are calculated rather to fire the imagination than to inform the judgment. - [Romance] She who is more ashamed of dishonesty than of poverty will not be easily overcome. - [Virtue] Displaying page 1 of 2 for this author: Next >> [1] 2
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