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Ambition is the germ from which all growth of nobleness proceeds. - [Ambition] These saved the Union--union which had perished But for the courage which their deeds revealed; No stripes were taken from the flag they cherished, No star was blotted from its azure field. The old survivors of that fight victorious, Some still remain, yet leave us one by one; They die, but never die their actions glorious-- They die, but lives the work so nobly done. - [Decoration Day] O that a soldier so glorious, ever victorious in fight, Passed from a daylight of honor into the terrible night; Fell as the mighty archangel, ere the earth glowed in space, fell-- Fell from the patriot's heaven down to the loyalist's hell! - Arnold at Stillwater [Treason] Don't you remember, sweet Alice, Ben Bolt? Sweet Alice, whose hair was so brown; Who wept with delight when you gave her a smile, And trembl'd with fear at your frown! - Ben Bolt [Memory] When greater perils men inviron, Then women show a front of iron; And, gentle in their manner, they Do bold things in a quiet way. - Betty Zane [Women] That was a day of delight and wonder. While lying the shade of the maple trees under-- He felt the soft breeze at its frolicksome play; He smelled the sweet odor of newly mown hay. - Under the Trees [Maple]
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