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I hold he loves me best that calls me Tom. - Hierarchie of the Blessed Angells [Familiarity] Seven cities warr'd for Homer being dead, Who living had no roofe to shroud his head. - Hierarchie of the Blessed Angells [Cities] Mellifluous Shakespeare, whose enchanting Quill Commandeth Mirth or Passion, was but Will. - Hierarchie of the Blessed Angels [Shakespeare] Her that ruled the rost in the kitchen. - History of Women (p. 286), (1624 edition) [Cookery] Death when to death a death by death hath given Then shall be op't the long shut gates of heaven. [Mors, mortis morti mortem nisi morte dedisset (dedisses).] - Nine Books of various History concerning Women (bk. II, Of the Sybells) [Death] O askt the seas and all the deeps below My God to know, I askt the reptiles, and whatever is In the abyss; Even from the shrimps to the leviathan Enquiry ran; But in those deserts that no line can sound The God I sought for was not to be found. - Searching after God [God]
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