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He that had neither beene kithe nor kin, Might have seene a full fayre sight. - Reliques of Ancient Poetry--Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne [Sight] Shall I bid her goe? what and if I doe? Shall I bid her goe and spare not? Oh no, no, no, I dare not. - Reliques--Corydon's Farewell to Phillis [Parting] "What is thy name, faire maid?" quote he. "Penelophon, O King," quoth she. - Reliques--King Cophetua and the Beggar-Maid [Names] Balow, my babe, lye still and sleipe, It grieves me sair to see thee weipe. - Reliques--Lady Anne Bothwell's Lament [Sleep] Everye white will have its blacke, And everye sweete its soure. - Reliques--Sir Curline [Comparison : Sweetness] Late, late yestreen I saw the new moone, Wi' the auld moon in hir arme. - Reliques--Sir Patrick Spens [Moon] King Stephen was a worthy peere, His breeches cost him but a crowne; He held them sixpence all too deere, Therefore he call'd the taylor lowne. - Reliques--Take Thy Old Cloak About Thee (st. 7) [Tailors] He was a wight of high renowne, And thosne but of a low degree; Itt's pride that putts the countrye downe, Man, take thine old cloake about thee. - Reliques--Take thy Old Cloake about Thee [Apparel] He that wold not when he might, He shall not when he wold-a. - Reliques--The Baffled Knight (st. 14) [Confidence : Opportunity] Weep no more, lady, weep no more, Thy sorrowe is in vaine, For violets pluckt, the sweetest showers Will ne'er make grow againe. - Reliques--The Friar of Order Gray [Past] O lady, he is dead and gone! Lady, he's dead and gone! And at his head a green grass turfe, And at his heels a stone. - Reliques--The Friar of Orders Gray [Death] We'll shine in more substantial honours, And to be noble, we'll be good. - Reliques--Winifreda [Honor] It was a friar of orders grey Walked forth to tell his beads. - The Friar of Orders Grey [Religion]
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