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Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age. - [Age] God created the coquette as soon as He had made the fool. - [Coquette] God put in man thought; society, action; nature, revery. - [Thought] Habit is the nursery of errors. - [Habit] He does not weep who does not see. - [Blindness] He is the best gentleman that is the son of his own deserts, and not the degenerated heir of another's virtue. - [Gentlemen] Heaven, on occasion, half opens its arms to us; and that is the great moment. - [Opportunity] History has its truth; Legend has hers. - [Truth] Hope is a delusion; no hand can grasp a wave or a shadow. - [Honor] Houses are like the human beings that inhabit them. - [House] Hypocrisy is nothing, in fact, but a horrible hopefulness. - [Hypocrisy] I believe in religion against the religious; in the pitifulness of orisons, and in the sublimity of prayer. - [Religion] I had rather be hissed for a good verse than applauded for a bad one. - [Critics] I like the laughter that opens the lips and the heart,--that shows at the same time pearls and the soul. - [Cheerfulness] If I were Jesus Christ, I would save Judas. - [Pardon] Inanimate objects sometimes appear endowed with a strange power of sight. A statue notices, a tower watches, the face of an edifice contemplates. - [Personality] Inspiration and genius--one and the same. - [Inspiration] Is it not a thing divine to have a smile which, none know how, has the power to lighten the weight of that enormous chain which all the living in common drag behind them? - [Smiles] It seems as though, at the approach of a certain dark hour, the light of heaven infills those who are leaving the light of earth. - [Death] Kings are for nations in their swaddling-clothes: France has attained her majority. - [Kings] Labor is life; thought is light. - [Thought] Let us fear the worst, but work with faith; the best will always take care of itself. - [Faith] Melancholy is the pleasure of being sad. - [Melancholy] Men hate those to whom they have to lie. - [Hate] My tastes are aristocratic; my actions democratic. - [Taste] Displaying page 2 of 5 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 [2] 3 4 5
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