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Alchemy may be compared to the man who told his sons he had left the gold buried somewhere in his vineyard; where they by digging found no gold, but by turning up the mould, about the roots of their vines, procured a plentiful vintage. So the search and endeavors to make gold have brought many useful inventions and instructive experiments to light. - Francis Bacon It is an art without art, which has its beginning in falsehood, its middle in toil, and its end in poverty. - Latin Quotations If by fire Of sooty coal th' empiric alchymist Can turn, or holds it possible to turn, Metals of drossiest ore to perfect gold. - John Milton, Paradise Lost (bk. V, l. 439) The starving chemist in his golden views Supremely blest. - Alexander Pope, Essay on Man (ep. II, l. 269) The glorious sun Stays in his course and plays the alchemist, Turning with splendor of his precious eye The meager cloddy earth to glittering gold. - William Shakespeare You are an alchemist; make gold of that. - William Shakespeare, The Life of Timon of Athens (Timon at V, i) I have always looked upon alchemy in natural philosophy to be like enthusiasm in divinity, and to have troubled the world much to the same purpose. - Sir William Temple
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