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The Arcadians were chestnut-eaters. - Alcaeus, Fragment (LXXXVI) What, know you not, old man (quoth he)-- Your hair is white, your face is wise-- That Love must kiss that Mortal's eyes Who hopes to fee fair Arcady? No gold can buy you entrance there; But beggared Love may go all bare-- No wisdom won with weariness; But love goes in Folly's dress-- No fame that wit could ever win; But Love may lean Love in. To Arcady, to Arcady. - Henry Cuyler Bunner, The Way to Arcady Arcades ambo--id est, blackguards both. - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron), Don Juan (canto IV, st. 93) Et moi aussi, je fus pasteur dans l’ Arcadie! - Abbe Jacques Delille (Jaques Delisle), Les Jardins Ou L'art D'embellir Les Paysages I too was in Arcadia! [Ger., Auch ich in Arkadien!] - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Italienische Reise (Teil 1), motto of his book "Travels in Italy"; see similar quotations by Schiller and Ernst Hoffman I too was in Arcadia. [Lat., Et in Arcadia ego.] - Guercino (originally known as Giovanni Francesco Barberi), on a painting in the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome I too, Shepherd, in Arcadia dwelt. - Mrs. Felicia D. Hemans, Song, in Songs for Sunny Hours I too was in Arcadia [Ger., Auch ich war in Arcadien.] - Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Amadeus Hoffman, Lebensansichten des Katers Murr (vol. I, ch. II), motto of his book Kater Murr, the Educated Cat; see similar quotations by Goethe and Schiller I dwell no more in Arcady, But when the sky is blue with May, And birds are blithe and winds are free, I know what message is for me, For I have been in Arcady. - Louise Chandler Moulton, Arcady In the days when we went gypsying A long time ago. - Edwin Ransford, In the Days when We Went Gypsying I too was born in Archadia. [Lat., Et in Arcadia ego.] - Bartolomeo Schidoni, on a painting in the Colonna Collection in Rome I too was born in Arcadia, it is in my nature too. [Ger., Auch ich was in Arkadien geboren, auch mir hat die Natur.] - Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, Resignation, Eine Phantasie, see similar quotations by Goethe and Ernst Hoffman Alas! the road to Anywhere is pitfalled with disaster; There's hunger, want, and weariness, yet O we loved it so! As on we tramped exultantly, and no man was our master, And no man guessed what dreams were ours, as, swinging heel and toe, We tramped the road to Anywhere, the magic road to Anywhere, The tragic road to Anywhere, such dear, dim years ago. - Robert William Service, The Tramps Arcadians both, equal in the song and ready in the response. [Lat., Arcades ambo, Et cantare pares, et respondere parati.] - Virgil or Vergil (Publius Virgilius Maro Vergil), Eclogues (VII, 4) Arcadians skilled in song will sing my woes upon the hills. Softly shall my bones repose, if you in future sing my loves upon your pipe. [Lat., Tamen cantabitis, arcades inquit montibus Haec vestris: soli cantare periti Arcades. O mihi tum quam molliter ossa quiescant, Vestra meos olim si fistula dicat amores.] - Virgil or Vergil (Publius Virgilius Maro Vergil), Eclogues (X, 31)
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