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[ Also see Destiny Fate Fortune God Idolatry Idols Luck Oracle Providence Religion Superstition Worship ]

Shakes his ambrosial curls, and gives the nod,
  The stamp of fate, and sanction of the god.
      - Homer ("Smyrns of Chios"), The Iliad
         (bk. I, l. 684), (Pope's translation)

The ox-eyes awful Juno.
      - Homer ("Smyrns of Chios"), The Iliad
         (bk. III, l. 144)

Yet verily these issues lie on the lap of the gods.
      - Homer ("Smyrns of Chios"), The Iliad
         (bk. XVII, 514)

Where'er he moves, the goddess shone before.
      - Homer ("Smyrns of Chios"), The Iliad
         (bk. XX, l. 127), (Pope's translation)

The matchless Ganymede, divinely fair.
      - Homer ("Smyrns of Chios"), The Iliad
         (bk. XX, l.278), (Pope's translation)

Jove weighs affairs of earth in dubious scales,
  And the good suffers while the bad prevails.
      - Homer ("Smyrns of Chios"), The Odyssey
         (bk. VI, l. 229), (Pope's translation)

Nor let a god come in, unless the difficulty be worthy of such an intervention.
  [Lat., Nec deus intersit nisi dignus vindice nodus.]
      - Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus),
        Ars Poetica (CXCI)

The gods my protectors.
  [Lat., Di me tuentur.]
      - Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus), Carmina
         (I, 17, 13)

And joined with the Nymphs the lovely Graces.
  [Lat., Junctaeque Nymphis Gratiae decentes.]
      - Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus), Carmina
         (I, 4, 6)

Nor does Apollo keep his bow continually drawn.
  [Lat., Neque semper arcum
    Tendit Apollo.]
      - Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus), Carmina
         (II, 10)

The more we deny ourselves, the more the gods supply our wants.
  [Lat., Quanto quisque sibi plura negaverit,
    A dis plura feret.]
      - Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus), Carmina
         (III, 16, 21)

Thou oughtest to know, since thou livest near the gods.
  [Lat., Scire, deos quoniam propius contingis, oportet.]
      - Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus), Satires
         (XXI, 6, 52)

Of Pan we sing, the best of leaders Pan,
  That leads the Naiads and the Dryads forth;
    And to their dances more than Hermes can,
      Hear, O you groves, and hills resound his worth.
      - Ben Jonson, Pan's Anniversary Hymn (I)

For the gods, instead of what is most pleasing, will give what is most proper. Man is dearer to them than he is to himself.
  [Lat., Nam pro jucundis aptissima quaeque dabunt di,
    Carior est illis homo quam sibi.]
      - Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenal), Satires
         (X, 349)

To that large utterance of the early gods!
      - John Keats (1), Hyperion (bk. I)

High in the home of the summers, the seats of the happy immortals,
  Shrouded in knee-deep blaze, unapproachable; there ever youthful
    Hebe, Harmonie, and the daughter of Jove, Aphrodite,
      Whirled in the white-linked dance, with the gold-crowned Hours and Graces.
      - Charles Kingsley, Andromeda

The trident of Neptune is the sceptre of the world.
  [Fr., Le trident de Neptune est le sceptre du monde.]
      - Antoine Marin Lemierre

As nations improve, so do their gods.
      - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Hoeder, the blind old god
  Whose feet are shod with silence.
      - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Tegner's Drapa
         (st. 6)

Janus am I; oldest of potentates!
  Forward I look and backward and below
    I count--as god of avenues and gates--
      The years that through my portals come and go.
        I block the roads and drift the fields with snow,
          I chase the wild-fowl from the frozen fen;
            My frosts congeal the rivers in their flow,
              My fires light up the hearths and hearts of men.
      - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
        Written for the Children's Almanac

Has God any habitation except earth, and sea, and air, and heaven, and virtue? Why do we seek the highest beyond these? Jupiter is wheresoever you look, wheresoever you move.
  [Lat., Estne Dei sedes nisi terra, et pontus, et aer,
    Et coelum, et virtus? Superos quid quaerimus ultra?
      Jupiter est, quodcunque vides, quodcunque moveris.]
      - Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus Lucan), Pharsalia
         (bk. IX, 578)

A boy of five years old serene and gay,
  Unpitying Hades hurried me away,
    Yet weep not for Callimachus: if few
      The days I lived, few were my sorrows too.
      - Lucian, in "Greek Anthology"

How gracious are the gods in bestowing high positions; and how reluctant are they to insure them when given.
      - Lucian

The gods and their tranquil abodes appear, which no winds disturb, nor clouds bedew with showers, nor does the white snow, hardened by frost, annoy them; the heaven, always pure, is without clouds, and smiles with pleasant light diffused.
  [Lat., Apparet divom numen, sedesque quietae;
    Quas neque concutiunt ventei, nec nubila nimbeis.
      Aspergunt, neque nex acri concreta pruina
        Cana cadens violat; semper sine nubibus aether
          Integer, et large diffuso lumine ridet.]
      - Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus),
        De Rerum Natura (III, 18)

No wonder Cupid is a murderous boy;
  A fiery archer making pain his joy.
    His dam, while fond of Mars, is Vulcan's wife,
      And thus 'twixt fire and sword divides her life.
      - Meleager, in "Greek Anthology"

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