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The more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable he is. - George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman Humility is to make a right estimate of one's self. It is no humility for a man to think less of himself than he ought, though it might rather puzzle him to do that. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Gleanings Among the Sheaves--Humility The higher a man is in grace, the lower he will be in his own esteem. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Gleanings Among the Sheaves--The Right Estimate "If you ask, what is the first step in the way of truth? I answer humility," saith St. Austin. "If you ask, what is the second? I say humility. If you ask, what is the third? I answer the same--humility." Is it not as the steps of degree in the Temple, whereby we descend to the knowledge of ourselves, and ascend to the knowledge of God? Would we attain mercy? humility will help us. - C. Sutton He who sacrifices a whole offering shall be rewarded for a whole offering; he who offers a burnt-offering shall have the reward of a burnt-offering; but he who offers humility to God and man shall be rewarded with a reward as if he had offered all the sacrifices in the world. - The Talmud Love's humility is love's true pride. - Bayard Taylor All the world, all that we are, and all that we have, our bodies and our souls, our actions and our sufferings, our conditions at home, our accidents abroad, our many sins, and our seldom virtues, are as so many arguments to make our souls dwell low in the valley of humility. - Jeremy Taylor Humility is like a tree, whose root when it sets deepest in the earth rises higher, and spreads fairer and stands surer, and lasts longer, and every step of its descent is like a rib of iron. - Jeremy Taylor Give place to your betters. [Lat., De locum melioribus.] - Terence (Publius Terentius Afer), Phormio (III, 2, 37) Humility, like darkness, reveals the heavenly lights. - Henry David Thoreau Do not practise excessive humility. - John Todd Humility mainly becometh the converse of man with his Maker. - Martin Farquhar Tupper It is the cringer to his equal that is chiefly seen bold to his God. - Martin Farquhar Tupper Humility is attentive patience. - Simone Weil The high mountains are barren, but the low valleys are covered over with corn; and accordingly the showers of God's grace fall into lowly hearts and humble souls. - Worthington Displaying page 4 of 4 for this topic: << Prev 1 2 3 [4]
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