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[ Also see Authority Duty Help Kindness Philanthropy Royalty Usefulness ]

God curse Moawiyah. If I had served God so well as I have served him, he would never have damned me to all eternity.
      - Unattributed Author,
        found in Ockley's "History of the Saracens", An. Hegira 54, A.D. 673

If I had always served God as I have served you, Madam, I should not have great account to render at my death.
      - Francis Bacon,
        Life and Times of Francis the First
         (vol. I, p. 46, of ed. 2)

And Hazael said, But what, is thy servant a dog, that he should
  do this great thing? And Elisha answered, The Lord hath shewed me that thou shalt be king over Syria.
      - Bible, II Kings (ch. VIII, v. 13)

And Master Kingston, this I will say--had I but served God as diligently as I have served the king, he would not have given me over in my grey hairs.
      - Pierre de Bourdeilles ("Brantome"),
        quoting Thomas Cromwell to his keeper

We are his,
  To serve him nobly in the common cause,
    True to the death, but not to be his slaves.
      - William Cowper, Task (bk. V, l. 340)

And ye shall succor men;
  'Tis nobleness to serve;
    Help them who cannot help again:
      Beware from right to swerve.
      - Ralph Waldo Emerson

When I have attempted to join myself to others by services, it proved an intellectual trick,--no more. They eat your service like apples, and leave you out. But love them, and they feel you, and delight in you all the time.
      - Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays--Of Gifts

A person's life is limited but serving the people is limitless. I want to devote my limited life to serving the people limitlessly.
      - Lei Feng

Had I but written as many odes in praise of Muhammad and Ali as I have composed for King Mahmud, they would have showered a hundred blessings on me.
      - Abul Qasim Mansur Firdusi (Firdausi or Firdousee)

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
      - Indira Gandhi

You can start right where you stand and apply the habit of going the extra mile by rendering more service and better service than you are now being paid for.
      - Napoleon Hill

Who seeks for aid
  Must show how service sought can be repaid.
      - Lord Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton ("Owen Meredith"),
        Siege of Constantinople

"Sidney Godophin," said Charles (II), "is never in the way and never out of the way."
      - Thomas Babington Macaulay,
        History of England
         (vol. I, p. 265, Cabinet Ed.)

Servant of God, well done, well hast thou fought
  The better fight.
      - John Milton, Paradise Lost (bk. VI, l. 29)

They also serve who only stand and wait.
      - John Milton, Sonnet--On His Blindness

They serve God well,
  Who serve his creatures.
      - Lady Caroline Sheridan Norton (Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton),
        The Lady of La Garage--Conclusion (l. 9)

One thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.
      - Albert Schweitzer

I am ashamed of my master and not of my servitude.
  [Lat., Domini pudet non servitutis.]
      - Seneca (Lucius Annaeus Seneca), Troades

Had I but serv'd my God with half the zeal
  I serv'd my king, he would not in mine age
    Have left me naked to mine enemies.
      - William Shakespeare

You know that love
  Will creep in service where it cannot go.
      - William Shakespeare

Master, go on, and I will follow thee
  To the last gasp with truth and loyalty.
      - William Shakespeare, As You Like It
         (Adam at II, iii)

We cannot all be masters, nor all masters
  Cannot be truly followed.
      - William Shakespeare,
        Othello the Moor of Venice
         (Iago at I, i)

I am an ass indeed; you may prove it by my long ears. I have served him from the hour of my nativity to this instant, and have nothing at his hands for my service but blows. When I am cold, he heats me with beating; when I am warm, he cools me with beating.
      - William Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors
         (Dromio of Ephesus at IV, iv)

O Cromwell, Cromwell,
  Had I but served my God with half the zeal
    I served my king, he would not in mine age
      Have left me naked to mine enemies.
      - William Shakespeare,
        The Life of King Henry the Eighth
         (Wolsey at IV, i)

My heart is ever at your service, my lord.
      - William Shakespeare,
        The Life of Timon of Athens
         (Alcibiades at I, ii)

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