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Laurel crowned Horatius
  True, how true the saying,
    Swift as wind flies over us
      Time devouring, slaying.
        [Lat., Lauriger Horatius
          Quam dixisti verum;
            Fugit curo citius
              Tempus edax rerum.]
      - Unattributed Author,
        translated by John Addington Symonds

Six hours in sleep is enough for youth and age. Perhaps seven for the lazy, but we allow eight to no one.
      - Unattributed Author, Collectio Salernitans
         (vol. II, l. 130, ed. De Renzi)

Nothing lies on our hands with such uneasiness as time. Wretched and thoughtless creatures! In the only place where covetousness were a virtue we turn prodigals.
      - Joseph Addison

The hours of a wise man are lengthened by his ideas, as those of a fool are by his passions. The time of the one is long, because he does not know what to do with it; so is that of the other, because he distinguishes every moment of it with useful or amusing thoughts--or, in other words, because the one is always wishing it away, and the other always enjoying it.
      - Joseph Addison

When time itself shall be no more.
      - Joseph Addison

Backward, turn backward, O Time in your flight!
  Make me a child again, just for to-night!
      - Elizabeth Akers Allen ("Florence Percy")

Time shakes the stable tyranny of thrones,
  And tottering empires rush by their own weight.
      - John Armstrong

Six years--six little years--six drops of time.
      - Matthew Arnold, Mycerinus (st. 11)

By-and-by has no end.
  [Lat., Modo, et modo, non habebent modum.]
      - Saint Aurelius Augustine (Augustine of Hippo),
        Confessions (bk. VIII, 5, 12)

Time is like a river, in which metals and solid substances are sunk, while chaff and straws swim upon the surface.
      - Francis Bacon

Time is the greatest of innovators.
      - Francis Bacon

To choose time is to save time.
      - Francis Bacon

Still on it creeps, each little moment at another's heels, till hours, days, years, and ages are made up.
      - Joanna Baillie

Time never bears such moments on his wing as when he flies too swiftly to be marked.
      - Joanna Baillie

Time is a dressmaker, specializing in alterations.
      - Faith Baldwin

Backward, flow backward, O full tide of years!
  I am so weary of toil and of tears,
    Toil without recompense--tears all in vain,
      Take them and give me my childhood again.
        I have grown weary of dust and decay,
          Weary of sowing for others to reap;
            Rock me to sleep, mother, rock me to sleep.
      - A.M.W. Ball, Rock me to Sleep, Mother,
        also attributed to Elizabeth Akers Allen, see "Northern Monthly", vol. II, 1868

Backward, turn backward, then time in your flight;
  Make me a child again just for tonight.
    Mother, come back from the echoeless shore,
      Take me again to your heart as of yore.
      - A.M.W. Ball, Rock me to Sleep, Mother

The passage of time is simply an illusion created by our brains.
      - Julian Barbour

Why slander we the times?
  What crimes
    Have days and years, that we
      Thus charge them with iniquity?
        If we would rightly scan,
          It's not the times are bad, but man.
      - Dr. Joseph Beaumont, Original Poems

Triumph not, O Time! strong towers decay, but a great name shall never pass away.
      - Park Benjamin

Wherever anything lives, there is, open somewhere, a register in which time is being inscribed.
      - Henri Louis Bergson, Creative Evolution
         (ch. I)

You mean now?
      - Yogi Berra,
        in response to being asked what time it was

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
  A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
    A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
      A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
        A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
          A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
            A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
              A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
      - Bible, Ecclesiastes (ch. III, v. 1-8)

Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not inquire wisely concerning this.
      - Bible, Ecclesiastes (ch. VII, v. 10)

(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation.)
      - Bible, II Corinthians (ch. VI, v. 2)

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