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[ Also see Churches Sabbath Sound ]

I call the Living--I mourn the Dead--
  I break the Lightning.
      - Unattributed Author,
        inscribed on the Great Bell of the Minister of Schaffhausen

Hark! the bonny Christ-Church bells,
  One, two, three, four, five, six;
    They sound so woundy great,
      So wound'rous sweet,
        And they troul so merrily.
      - Henry Aldrich (Aldridge),
        Hark the Merry Christ-Church Bells

That all-softening, overpowering knell,
  The tocsin of the soul--the dinner bell.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron),
        Don Juan (canto V, st. 49)

The church-going bell.
      - William Cowper,
        verses supposed to be written by Alexander Selkirk

How soft the music of those village bells,
  Falling at interval upon the ear
    In cadence sweet; now dying all away,
      Now pealing loud again, and louder still,
        Clear and sonorous, as the gale comes on!
          With easy force it opens all the cells
            Where Memory slept.
      - William Cowper, Task (bk. VI, l. 6)

The vesper bell from far
  That seems to mourn for the expiring day.
      - Dante ("Dante Alighieri"), Purgatorio
         (canto 8, l. 6)

Your voices break and falter in the darkness,--
  Break, falter, and are still.
      - Bret Harte (Francis Bret Harte),
        The Angelus

Bells call others, but themselves enter not into the Church.
      - George Herbert, Jacula Prudentum

When o'er the street the morning peal is flung
  From yon tall belfry with the brazen tongue,
    Its wide vibrations, wafted by the gale,
      To each far listener tell a different tale.
      - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Dear bells! how sweet the sound of village bells
  When on the undulating air they swim!
      - Thomas Hood, Ode to Rae Wilson

While the steeples are loud in their joy,
  To the tune of the bells' ring-a-ding,
    Let us chime in a peal, one and all,
      For we all should be able to sing Hullah baloo.
      - Thomas Hood, Song for the Million

The old mayor climbed the belfry tower,
  The ringers ran by two, by three;
    "Pull, if ye never pulled before;
      Good ringers, pull your best," quoth he.
        "Play uppe, play uppe, O Boston bells!
          Ply all your changes, all your swells,
            Play uppe The Brides of Enderby."
      - Jean Ingelow,
        High Tide on the Coast of Lincolnshire

The music nighest bordering upon heaven.
      - Charles Lamb (used pseudonym Elia)

The cheerful Sabbath bells, wherever heard,
  Strike pleasant on the sense, most like the voice
    Of one, who from the far-off hills proclaims
      Tidings of good to Zion.
      - Charles Lamb (used pseudonym Elia),
        The Sabbath Bells

For bells are the voice of the church;
  They have tones that touch and search
    The hearts of young and old.
      - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
        Bells of San Blas

Seize the loud, vociferous fells, and
  Clashing, clanging to the pavement
    Hurl them from their windy tower!
      - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
        Christus--The Golden Legend (prologue)

These bells have been anointed,
  And baptized with holy water!
      - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
        Christus--The Golden Legend (prologue)

He heard the convent bell,
  Suddenly in the silence ringing
    For the service of noonday.
      - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
        Christus--The Golden Legend (pt. II)

The bells themselves are the best of preachers,
  Their brazen lips are learned teachers,
    From their pulpits of stone, in the upper air,
      Sounding aloft, without crack or flaw,
        Shriller than trumpets under the Law,
          Now a sermon and now a prayer.
      - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
        Christus--The Golden Legend (pt. III)

Bell, thou soundest merrily,
  When the bridal party
    To the church doth hie!
      Bell, thou soundest solemnly,
        When, on Sabbath morning,
          Fields deserted lie!
      - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Hyperion
         (bk. III, ch. III), (quoted)

It cometh into court and pleads the cause
  Of creatures dumb and unknown to the laws;
    And this shall make, in every Christian clime,
      The bell of Atri famous for all time.
      - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
        Tales of a Wayside Inn--The Sicilian's Tale--The Bell of Atri

Those evening bells! those evening bells!
  How many a tale their music tells!
      - Thomas Moore, Those Evening Bells

The Bell never rings of itself; unless some one handles or moves it it is dumb.
  [Lat., Nunquam aedepol temere tinniit tintinnabulum;
    Nisi quis illud tractat aut movet, mutum est, tacet.]
      - Plautus (Titus Maccius Plautus), Trinummus
         (IV, 2, 162)

Hear the sledges with the bells,
  Silver bells!
    What a world of merriment their melody foretells!
      How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle,
        In the icy air of night,
          While the stars that oversprinkle
            All the Heavens seem to twinkle
              With a crystalline delight:
                Keeping time, time, time,
                  In a sort of Runic rhyme
                    To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells
                      From the bells, bells, bells, bells,
                        Bells, bells, bells--
                          From the jingling and the tingling of the bells.
      - Edgar Allan Poe, The Bells (st. 1)

Hear the mellow wedding bells,
  Golden bells!
    What a world of happiness their harmony foretells
      Through the balmy air of night
        How they ring out their delight!
          From the molten golden notes,
            And all in tune
              What a liquid ditty floats
                To the turtle-dove that listens while she gloats
                  On the moon!
      - Edgar Allan Poe, The Bells (st. 2)

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