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If any man whatsoever hath carried on the design of deposing the King and disinheriting his posterity; or if any man hath yet such a design he should be the greatest traitor and rebel in the world; but, since the Providence of God hath cast this upon us, I cannot but submit to Providence. - Oliver Cromwell, in Buchan's "Oliver Cromwell" There is a sweet little cherub that sits up aloft, to keep watch for the life of poor Jack. - Charles Dibdin Long may it remain in this mixed world a question not easy of decision, which is the more beautiful evidence of the Almighty's goodness, the soft white hand formed for the ministrations of sympathy and tenderness, or the rough hard hand which the heart softens, teaches, and guides in a moment. - Charles Dickens God made bees, and bees made honey, God made man, and man made money, Pride made the devil, and the devil made sin; So God made a cole-pit to put the devil in. - transcribed by James Henry Dixon, from flysheet of Bible belonging to a pitman residing near Hutton-Henry, in Denham County O, all-preparing Providence divine! In Thy large book what secrets are enroll'd! What sundry helps doth Thy great power assign, To prop the course which Thou intend'st to hold? What mortal sense is able to define Thy mysteries, Thy counsels many fold? It is Thy wisdom strangely that extends Obscure proceedings to apparent ends. - Michael Drayton Whatever is, is in its causes just. - John Dryden, Oedipus (act III, sc. 1) Providence has a wild, rough, incalculable road to its end, and it is of no use to try to whitewash its huge, mixed instrumentalities, or to dress up that terrific benefactor in a clean shirt and white neckcloth of a student in divinity. - Ralph Waldo Emerson We are not to lead events, but to follow them. - Epictetus God tempers the cold to the shorn sheep. [Fr., Dieu mesure le froid a la brebis tondue.] - Henri Etienne (Estienne), Le Livre de Proverbs Epigrammatique He that will watch Providence shall never want a Providence to watch. - Rev. John Flavel (2) Gifts come from above in their own peculiar forms. [Ger., Die Gaben Kommen von oben herab, in ihren eignen Gestalten.] - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Hermann und Dorothea (canto V, l. 69) We sometimes had those little rubs which Providence sends to enhance the value of its favours. - Oliver Goldsmith, Vicar of Wakefield (ch. I) God sends cold according to Cloathes. [God sends cold according to clothes.] - George Herbert, Jacula Prudentum To a close shorne sheepe, God gives wind by measure. [To a close shorn sheep, God gives wind by measure.] - George Herbert, Jacula Prudentum Perhaps Providence by some happy change will restore those things to their proper places. [Lat., Deus haec fortasse benigna Reducet in sedem vice.] - Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus), Epodi (XIII, 7) However benevolent may be the intentions of Providence, they do not always advance the happiness of the individual. Providence has always higher ends in view, and works in a pre-eminent degree on the inner feelings and disposition. - Wilhelm von Humboldt Providence certainly does not favor individuals, but the deep wisdom of its counsels extends to the instruction and ennoblement of all. - Wilhelm von Humboldt Surely the equity of Providence has balanced peculiar sufferings with peculiar enjoyments. - Samuel Johnson (a/k/a Dr. Johnson) ("The Great Cham of Literature") How just is Providence in all its works, How swift to overtake us in our crimes! - George Lansdowne Round about what is lies a whole mysterious world of what might be--a psychological romance of possibilities and things that do not happen. By going out a few minutes sooner or later, by stopping to speak with a friend at a corner, by meeting this man or that, or by turning down this street instead of the other, we may let slip some great occasion of good, or avoid some impending evil, by which the whole current of our lives would have been changed. There is no possible solution to the dark enigma but the one word "Providence." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Behind the dim unknown, Standeth God with the shadow, keeping watch above his own. - James Russell Lowell, The Present Crisis (st. 8) It is not given to our weak intellects to understand the steps of Providence as they occur: we comprehend them only as we look back upon them in the far-distant past. - George Brinton McClellan That's best Which God sends. 'Twas His will: it is mine. - Owen Meredith (pseudonym of Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton, Lord Lytton) * * * * * his providence Out of our evil seek to bring forth good. - John Milton I must not quarrel with the will Of highest dispensation, which herein, Haply had ends above my reach to know. - John Milton Displaying page 2 of 4 for this topic: << Prev Next >> 1 [2] 3 4
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