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Eye me, blest Providence, and square my trial To my proportion'd strength. - John Milton, Comus (l. 329) Yes, thou art ever present, power supreme! Not circumscribed by time, nor fixt to space, Confined to altars, nor to temples bound. In wealth, in want, in freedom or in chains, In dungeons or on thrones, the faithful find thee! - Hannah More The decrees of Providence are inscrutable. In spite of man's short-sighted endeavors to dispose of events according to his own wishes and his own purposes, there is an Intelligence beyond his reason, which holds the scales of justice, and promotes his well- being, in spite of his puny efforts. - James Justinian Morier Destroy all creatures for thy sport or gust, Yet cry, if man's unhappy, God's unjust. - Alexander Pope, Essay on Man (ep. I, l. 117) Who finds not Providence all good and wise, Alike in what it gives, and what denies. - Alexander Pope, Essay on Man (ep. I, l. 205) Warms in the sun, refreshes in the breeze, Glows in the stars, and blossoms in the trees. - Alexander Pope, Essay on Man (ep. I, l. 271) Who sees with equal eye, as God of all, A hero perish, or a sparrow fall, Atoms or systems into ruin hurl'd, And now a bubble burst, and now a world. - Alexander Pope, Essay on Man (ep. I, l. 87) Lap of providence. - Humphrey Prideaux, Directions to Churchwardens (p. 105), (ed. 1712) For it would have been better that man should have been born dumb, nay, void of all reason, rather than that he should employ the gifts of Providence to the destruction of his neighbor. [Lat., Mutos enim nasci, et egere omni ratione satius fuisset, quam providentiae munera in mutuam perniciem convertere.] - Quintilian (Marcus Fabius Quintilianus), De Institutione Oratoria (XII, 1, 1) God moderates all at His pleasure. [Lat., Dieu modere tout a son plaisir.] - Francois Rabelais, Pantagruel He who ruleth the raging of the sea, knows also how to check the designs of the ungodly. I submit myself with reverence to His Holy Will. O Abner, I fear my God, and I fear none but Him. - Jean Baptiste Racine But he never would believe that Providence had sent a few men into the world, ready booted and spurred to ride, and millions ready saddled and bridled to be ridden. - Col. Richard Rumbold It is remarkable that Providence has given us all things for our advantage near at hand; but iron, gold, and silver, being both the instruments of blood and slaughter and the price of it, nature has hidden in the bowels of the earth. - Seneca (Lucius Annaeus Seneca) But heaven hath a hand in these events; To whose high will we bound our calm contents. - William Shakespeare There is a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew, them how we will. - William Shakespeare There's a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. - William Shakespeare We must follow, not force Providence. - William Shakespeare We, ignorant of ourselves, Beg often our own harms, which the wise powers Deny us for our good; so find we profit, By losing of our prayers. - William Shakespeare Take that, and he that doth the ravens feed, Yea, providently caters for the sparrow, Be comfort to my age. - William Shakespeare, As You Like It (Adam at II, iii) Rashly, And praised be rashness for it--let us know, Our indiscretion sometime serves us well When our deep plots do pall, and that should learn us There's a divinity that shapes our ends, Rough-hew them how we will-- - William Shakespeare, As You Like It (Hamlet at V, ii) Not a whit, we defy augury. There is special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, 'tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come. The readiness is all. - William Shakespeare, Hamlet Prince of Denmark (Hamlet at V, ii) O, mickle is the powerful grace that lies In plants, herbs, stones, and their true quantities; For naught so vile that on the earth doth live But to the earth some special good doth give; Nor aught so good but, strained from that fair use, Revolts from true birth, stumbling on abuse. - William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet (Friar Laurence at II, iii) O God, thy arm was here! And not to use, but to thy arm alone, Ascribe we all! - William Shakespeare, The Life of King Henry the Fifth (King Henry at IV, viii) God's plans, like lilies pure and white, unfold; we must not tear the close-shut leaves apart; time will reveal the calyxes of gold. - May Riley Smith To make our reliance upon Providence both pious and rational, we should, in every great enterprise we take in hand, prepare all things with that care, diligence, and activity, as if there were no such thing as Providence for us to depend upon; and again, when we have done all this, we should as wholly and humbly rely upon it, as if we had made no preparations at all. - Bishop Robert South Displaying page 3 of 4 for this topic: << Prev Next >> 1 2 [3] 4
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