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English poet
(1810 - 1889)
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A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love, a resting place for innocence on earth, a link between angels and men.
      - [Babyhood]

A letter, timely writ, is a rivet to the chain of affection;
  And a letter, untimely delayed, is as rust to the solder.
      - [Letters]

A link between angels and men.
      - [Babies]

A man looketh on his little one as a being of better hope; in himself ambition is dead, but it bath a resurrection in his son.
      - [Children]

A spark is a molecule of matter, yet may it kindle the world; vast is the mighty ocean, but drops have made it vast. Despise not thou small things, either for evil or for good; for a look may work thy ruin, or a word create thy wealth.
      - [Trifles]

Affect not to despise beauty, no one is freed from its dominion; but regard is not a pearl of price, it is fleeting as the bow in the clouds.
      - [Beauty]

Alike to the slave and his oppressor cometh night with sweet refreshment, and half of the life of the most wretched is gladdened by the soothings of sleep.
      - [Sleep]

Anger is a noble infirmity, the generous failing of the just, the one degree that riseth above zeal, asserting the prerogative of virtue.
      - [Anger]

As frost to the bud, and blight to the blossom, even such is self-interest to friendship; for confidence cannot dwell where selfishness is porter at the gate.
      - [Selfishness]

As thou directest the power, harm or advantage will follow, and the torrent that swept the valley may be led to turn a mill.
      - [Power]

Be understood in thy teaching, and instruct to this measure of capacity; precepts and rules are repulsive to a child, but happy illustration winneth him.
      - [Teaching]

Betray mean terror of ridicule, thou shalt find fools enough to mock thee; but answer thou their language with contempt, and the scoffers will lick thy feet.
      - [Ridicule]

Better is the wrong with sincerity, rather than the right with falsehood.
      - [Sincerity]

Deep is the sea, and deep is hell, but pride mineth deeper; it is coiled as a poisonous worm about the foundations of the soul.
      - [Pride]

Error is a hardy plant; it flourisheth in every soil;
  In the heart of the wise and good, alike with the wicked and foolish;
    For there is no error so crooked, but it hath in it some lines of truth.
      - [Error]

Every green herb, from the lotus to the darnel, is rich with delicate aids to help incurious man.
      - [Vegetation]

Extravagance is the rich man's pitfall.
      - [Extravagance]

Faith may rise into miracles of might, as some few wise men have shown; faith may sink into credulities of weakness, as the mass of fools have witnessed.
      - [Faith]

Few and precious are the words which the lips of Wisdom utter.
  To what shall their rarity be likened?
    What price shall count their worth?
      Perfect and much to be desired, and giving joy with riches,
        No lovely thing on earth can picture all their beauty.
      - [Wisdom]

Happiness is a roadside flower growing on the highways of usefulness; plucked, it shall wither in thy hand; passed by, it is fragrance to thy spirit. Trample the thyme beneath thy feet; be useful, be happy.
      - [Happiness]

Hate furroweth the brow; and a man may frown till he hateth.
      - [Hate]

He that is ambitious for his son, should give him untried names,
  For those have serv'd other men, haply may injure by their evils;
    Or otherwise may hinder by their glories; therefore set him by himself,
      To win for his individual name some clear praise.
      - [Names]

He who commits a wrong will himself inevitably see the writing on the wall, though the world may not count him guilty.
      - [Wrong]

How beautiful is modesty! It winneth upon all beholders; but a word or a glance may destroy the pure love that should have been for thee.
      - [Modesty]

Humility mainly becometh the converse of man with his Maker.
      - [Humility]

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