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True wit is like the brilliant stone,
  Dug from the Indian mine,
    Which boasts two different pow'rs in one,
      To cut as well as shine.
      - Notes and Queries [Wit]

Never a fishermen need there be
  If fishes could hear as well as see.
      - Notes and Queries (ser. IV, ii, 94)

Who first comes to this world below
  With drear November's fog and snow
    Should prize the Topaz' amber hue--
      Emblem of friends and lovers true.
      - November,
        in "Notes and Queries", May 11, 1889, p. 371
        [Jewels : November : Topazes]

October's child is born for woe,
  And life's vicissitudes must know;
    But lay on Opal on her breast,
      And hope will lull those woes to rest.
      - October,
        in "Notes and Queries", May 11, 1889, p. 371
        [Jewels : October : Opals]

Baseball is a game between two teams of nine players each, under direction of a manager, played on an enclosed field in accordance with these rules, under jurisdiction of one or more umpires.
      - Official Rules of Baseball, Rule 1.01
        [Books (First Lines)]

Neither ridiculous shriekings for revenge by French chauvinists, nor the Englishmen's gnashing of teeth, nor the wild gestures of the Slavs will turn us from our aim of protecting and extending German influence all the world over.
      - Official secret report of the Germans,
        quoted in the "French Yellow Book" [War]

Yonkers that have hearts of oak at fourscore yeares.
      - Old Meg of Herefordshire [Heart]

The children in Holland take pleasure in making
  What the children in England take pleasure in breaking.
      - Old Nursery Rhyme [Childhood : Proverbs]

The mother, in her office, holds the key
  Of the soul; and she it is who stamps the coin
    Of character, and makes the being who would be a savage,
      But for her gentle cares, a Christian man.
        Then crown her Queen o' the world.
      - Old Play [Mothers]

Drinking will make a man quaff,
  Quaffing will make a man sing,
    Singing will make a man laugh,
      And laughing long life doth bring,
        Says old Simon the King.
      - Old Sir Simon the King,
        referring to Simon Wadloe, tavern-keeper at the "Devil," Fleet Street, about 1621

As I saw fair Chloris walk alone,
  The feather'd snow came softly down,
    As Jove, descending from his tow'r
      To court her in a silver show'r.
        The wanton snow flew to her breast,
          As little birds into their nest;
            But o'ercome with whiteness there,
              For grief dissolv'd into a tear.
                Thence falling on her garment hem,
                  To deck her, froze into a gem.
      - On Chloris walking in the Snow,
        in "Wit's Recreations", J.C. Hotten's reprint, p. 308 (1640)

Happy am I; from care I'm free!
  Why aren't they all contented like me?
      - Opera of La Bayadere [Contentment]

Every countenance seeked to say, "Long live George Washington, the Father of the People."
      - Pennsylvania Packet,
        Apr. 21, 1789, after the election of Washington
        [Washington, George]

Our common Father and Deliverer, to whose prudence, wisdom and valour we owe our Peace, Liberty and Safety, now leads and directs in the great councils of the nation . . . and now we celebrate an independent Government--an original Constitution! an independent Legislature, at the head of which we this day celebrate, The Father of his Country--We celebrate Washington! We celebrate an independent Empire!
      - Pennsylvania Packet, July 9, 1789, p. 284
        [Washington, George]

The man that weds for greedy wealth,
  He goes a fishing fair,
    But often times he gets a frog,
      Or very little share.
      - Pepysian Garland (318) [Fishing]

Man only,--rash, refined, presumptuous Man--
  Starts from his rank, and mars Creation's plan!
    Born the free heir of nature's wide domain,
      To art's strict limits bounds his narrow'd reign;
        Resigns his native rights for meaner things,
          For Faith and Fetters, Laws and Priests and Kings.
      - Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin--The Progress of Man
         (l. 55) [Man]

The first of April, some do say
  Is set apart for All Fools' day;
    But why the people call it so,
      Nor I, nor they themselves, do know.
      - Poor Robin's Almanac--All Fools' Day

O God, show compassion on the wicked.
  The virtuous have already been blessed by Thee in being virtuous.
      - Prayer of a Persian Dervish [Pity]

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Prosperity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
      - Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America

It is capital which sets ten thousand looms in motion, lights the fires in the mills and factories, and starts the idle wheels of commerce. Yet, upon the other hand, capital needs labor to carry out its schemes. The two must work together, and not one against the other. Workmen should be allowed good living wages and capitalists get a fair profit. Some day this golden mean will be reached, but it lies farther in the future than the eye of man can now penetrate, and until it does come the laboring classes can gain nothing by any alliance with anarchy in any form, no matter how specious its words may be.
      - Presbyterian Banner [Labor Day]

As clouds and rain, crashing thunder storms, and the chill airs of many a night all contribute to the wealth and ripeness and glory of harvest, so do pain and sorrow and death ripen then human soul for the "harvest home" of eternal rest.
      - Presbyterian Witness [Harvest Home]

Growth is completed. The fields are at rest, and their green is bordered with russet and gold. The apple-trees are laden with fruit worthy of Eden and reminding one of the forfeited home of the fallen race. Paradise is not wholly gone; rich morsels of precious fruitage still reward the man of well-directed toil. Its flowers bloom for us in summer; its fruits ripen for us in these luscious September days; its fragrance still lingers on the soft wings of the breeze that dances lightly over the fields which the Lord hath blest.
      - Presbyterian Witness [Harvest Home]

Place what value we will on the productiveness of nature, on the regularity, constancy, of the seasons, these things are worthless of themselves. The fact is, man's food will not come to him of itself. It is a peculiarity of all the cereals that they are never found growing wild; they cannot spring up spontaneously. Further, and curiously, they cannot prolong their existence without the care of man; they are never self-sown. A neglected field of wheat or corn may in the first year produce a few scattered stalks of half-filled ears; but soon even these disappear, and a few summers will suffice to obliterate every trace of grain. Thus undoubtedly is the sentence executed, "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread." Life depends on labor--here we have the other condition of the harvest. Man may sow and man may water, but God alone gives the increase. But equally true is it that unless man plants and plows and reaps, seed-time and harvest avail him nothing.
      - Presbyterian Witness [Harvest Home]

The farmer is ever a man of faith. Were he not a firm believer in what he has not seen he would not turn a furrow or sow a grain. Why should he believe in a morrow, in a coming summer or autumn; in springtime or harvest, in growth or ripening? It is all of faith, whether we will or no. The harvest is God's testimony that He is the rewarder of them that diligently work with Him.
      - Presbyterian Witness [Harvest Home]

We shall best honor these men and days of old by signing our own declaration of independence from all those elements of selfishness and sordidness that lead to indifference as to the country's welfare and to an all-absorbing desire for mere personal ease or acquisition.
      - Princeton Press [Independence Day]

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