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A brave man may fall but cannot yield. - [Bravery] A calumnious abuse, too often repeated, becomes so familiar to the ear as to lose its effect. - [Abuse] A good wife and health Are a man's best wealth. - [Toasts] A grasping hand is never full. A giving hand is always full. - [Giving] A hardy race, worthy to set the pattern of civilization and liberty to the mighty people who to to-night affectionately called them "fathers" in blood, in liberty, love and truth. All that nations can owe to founders; all that children can owe to parents, all that truth and self-denial can owe to their especial champions, is laid upon the altar of their memory to-night. Peace to their sacred ashes, those Pilgrim Fathers of our life. Their sacrifices were many and their joys were few. Yet somewhere in the land where faith meets its reward; somewhere in the heaven of the good and pure; somewhere within those temples of magnificent justice where is given alike reward for good and punishment for evil done on earth; somewhere beyond the reach of human toil or strife, those Pilgrim ancestors shall be given meed well-fitted to their high deservings; and Till the sun grows cold and the stars are old, And the leaves of the judgment book unfold, no man among their sons shall feel within his veins the bounding of their consecrating blood without thanks for every drop that links him to their heroic lives. - quoting from Bedouin Song by Baynard Taylor [Forefathers Day] A little health, a little wealth, A little house and freedom, With some few friends for certain ends, But little cause to need 'em. - [Toasts] A little management may often evade resistance, which a vast force might vainly strive to overcome. - [Tact] A solitary blessing few can find, Our joys with those we love are intertwined, And he whose wakeful tenderness removes The obstructing thorn that wounds the breast he loves, Smooths not another's rugged path alone But scatters roses to adorn his own. - [Affection] A statesman may do much for commerce, most by leaving it alone. A river ever flows so smoothly, as when it follows its own course, without either aid or check. Let it make its own bed, it will do so better than you can. - [Commerce] A triangle is a square that didn't make it. - [Substance] Affectation is the wisdom of fools, and the folly of many a comparatively wise man. - [Affectation] Affection is a garden, and without it there would not be a verdant spot on the surface of the globe. - [Affection] Affliction appears to be the guide to reflection; the teacher of humility; the parent of repentance; the nurse of faith; the strengthener of patience, and the promoter of charity. - [Affliction] All hail, Columbus, discoverer, dreamer, hero, and apostle! We here, of every race and country, recognize the horizon which bounded his vision and the infinite scope of his genius. The voice of gratitude and praise for all the blessings which have been showered upon mankind by his adventure is limited to no language, but is uttered in every tongue. Neither marble nor brass can fitly form his statue. Continents are his monument and unnumbered millions present and to come, who enjoy in their liberties and their happiness the fruits of his faith, will reverently guard and preserve, from century to century, his name and fame. - in World's Greatest Orations [Discovery Day] An excuse for sin is a statement of the circumstances under which a man did wrong. When we say, "I could not help it; circumstances were too much for me," do our hearts believe it to be true? We say, "My temperament, my inherited appetite, business exigencies, irresistible pressure," as though we were compelled to do wrong. The first man in the long line of apologetic succession said, "The woman tempted me," but did not say, "and made me eat." Whatever he might wish implied, he could only say, "And I did eat." No unconsenting soul can be made to sin, and so sin is inexcusable. - [Excuses] And when Christ came to implant in human bosoms pure, disinterested Christian charity, He brought it as an exotic from heaven, and God had to coin a name for it, for there was no word in all the polyglots of earth that would properly describe it. The thing itself was a thing unknown until the angels heralded it and Jesus brought it. - [Charity] Antiquity, what is it else (God only excepted) but man's authority born some ages before us? Now for the truth of things time makes no alteration; things are still the same they are, let the time be past, present, or to come. - [Antiquity] Arbor Day has taken its place, and will no doubt hold its own among the holidays of the American people. It has done a wonderful work among the children, not only in its influence as a practical factor in the beautifying of the yards and streets about the school buildings; but best of all has been the impetus given by it to the study of nature. The very fact that once every year the youth of our country may prepare for a day devoted to trees, has aroused them to observe and ask questions, and the coming generation will know more about them than did their fathers and mothers. - [Arbor Day] As the ant does not wend her way to empty barns, so few friends will be found to haunt the place of departed wealth. - [Adversity] Before Columbus and the one hundred and twenty men embarked on board the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina, on their eventful voyage, what did they do? Took the Sacrament of our Lord Jesus Christ. Coming in sight of land, what song goes up from all three decks? "Gloria in Excelsis." What did they first do stepping from shipboard to solid ground? All knelt in prayer, consecrating the New World to God. What did the Huguenots do, landing in the Carolinas; and the Hollanders, landing in New York; and the Puritans, landing in New England? With bent knees, uplifted faces and heaven-beseeching prayer, they took possession of this Continent for God. How did they open the First American Congress? With prayer in the name of Christ. Beside that, see what God has done for us. - first part of quotation, see "Open the map . . ." [Discovery Day] Behold this temple to Thy praise, Make it Thy very own; Here knit our waiting souls in one, And bind us to Thy throne. Come, Lord, and with Thy presence fill This consecrated place; Come, gather here through all the years The trophies of Thy grace. - [Dedication] But now the Prince of Peace has come--He of whom it was said that "in His days there shall be abundance of peace." Now "mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other." Now "old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new;" and "all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation: to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself." - [Christmas] But one way is open to the people of this country who would estimate the value of the services rendered by the union soldiers, living or dead. It is to try to imagine what the result would have been had the union been divided. There would have been two nations instead of one; twice as many foreign diplomats within the territory as now; twice as many possibilities of foreign complications; and much more than twice as much difficulty in settling them, while the influence of each fragment would be much less than half the amount exercised by the whole. Those who had a common ancestry which had been represented in the same halls of legislation, had cheered the same flag and fought together--not against each other--for freedom, would have been strangers and foreigners, aliens from the commonwealth of which Washington was the father. Mutual jealousies would make standing armies necessary, and war clouds would ever have lowered upon the political horizon. It was the valor of our soldiers that stood between the people of the United States and these evils. - in the New York Christian Advocate [Decoration Day] But though that great day is far away, the heart asserts, and truly, that when there is deepest night over nations and the world and men, a day of the Lord is at hand; that a dawn is coming--not the last day nor the final dawn, but the uprising oś Christ in light, deliverance, knowledge and love. The belief is born not only out of our natural hatred of evil and suffering and the desire to be free, but out of actual experience. - [Advent] But while the Jews repudiated the giving of their religion to the nations the Puritans have been and continue to be foremost in giving their gospel to mankind. They sought to serve God with all their hearts, and they believed that in making a nation He could use as freemen only those who sought to serve Him both in their spirit and in their way. But when they could no longer carry out their plan for a nation, they set themselves to maintain in the nation they had planted the ethical impulse which brought them to these shores and controlled their lives. - in the Congregrationist [Forefathers Day] Displaying page 1 of 8 for this author: Next >> [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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