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But who is this that cometh from the tomb, with dyed garments from the bed of death? He that is glorious in His appearance, walking in the greatness of strength? It is thy Prince, O Zion! Christian, it is your Lord! He hath trodden the wine-press alone; He hath stained His raiment with blood; but now as the first-born from the womb of nature, He meets the morning of His resurrection. He arises, a conqueror from the grave; He returns with blessings from the world of spirits; He brings salvation to the sons of men. Never did the returning sun usher in a day so glorious! It was the jubilee of the universe! - [Resurrection of Christ] Children seldom misquote you. In fact, they usually repeat word repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. - [Children] Choose your friend wisely, Test your friend well; True friends, like rarest gems, Prove hard to tell. Winter him, summer him, Know your friend well. - [Friends] Christ was placed midmost in the world's history; and in that central position He towers like some vast mountain to heaven--the farther slope stretching backward toward the creation, the hither slope toward the consummation of all things. The ages before look to Him with prophetic gaze; the ages since behold Him by historic faith; by both He is seen in common as the brightness of the Father's glory, and the unspeakable gift of God to the race. - [Christ] Christian work is something more than furnishing food and raiment and shelter. It is also teaching men of God, of Christ, of heaven, of sin, of love, of justice, of brotherhood. - [Christian] Columbia: My country--with all thy faults, I love thee still. - [Toasts] Columbus is always a good subject for meditation. His piety, his courage, his confidence, in Providence and in himself, his ceaseless industry, his enterprise and indomitable self-control are strongly marked in every step of his romantic and extraordinary career. Had he been a man who could be turned from his high purpose by discouragements his name would be unknown to-day. His life and work are a monument to faith and determination. He felt within him the power to do, and he had the courage to dare. - in the New York Herald [Discovery Day] Contempt leaves a deeper scar than anger. - [Contempt] Defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies. - The French Ana [Friends] Discipline, like the bridle in the hand of a good rider, should exercise its influence without appearing, to do so; should be ever active, both as a support and as a restraint, yet seem to lie easily in hand. It must always be ready to check or to pull up, as occasion may require; and only when the horse is a runaway should the action of the curb be perceptible. - [Discipline] Do not take a blind guide nor a bad adviser. - [Advice] Each evening we should meditate upon the fact that one more day is gone from the list that make up the sum of our years. We live one day less for the seeking and finding Christ; for cultivating the spirit of holiness in our hearts, for blessing society, building up the church, gathering sinners to the Savior, and promoting the glory of God. By so much the time is shortened that separates us from the grave, the judgment and the eternal destiny. - [Evening] Entireness, illimitableness is indispensable to Faith. What we believe; we must believe wholly and without reserve; wherefore the only perfect and satisfying object of Faith is God. A Faith that sets bounds to itself, that will believe so much and no more, that will trust thus far and no further, is none. - [Faith in God] Even turkeys can fly in a stiff wind. - [Turkeys] Every minute starts an hour. - [Beginnings] Every virtue carries with it its own reward, but none in so distinguished and pre-eminent a degree as benevolence. - [Benevolence] Faith is not the lazy notion that a man may with careless confidence throw his burden upon the Saviour and trouble himself no further, a pillow upon which he lulls his conscience to sleep, till he drops into perdition; but a living and vigorous principle, working by love, and inseparably connected with true repentance as its motive and with holy obedience as its fruits. - [Faith] Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. No one was there. - [Faith : Fear] For us, however, in these northern clime, and with our traditions and associations, Christmas could not well be better placed than where it is. Nature is in slumber, as if in death--fit picture of the sleep of man till roused to righteousness by the voice of the new-born Babe of Bethlehem. Life is at its lowest, and death reigns, or seems to reign everywhere. Saving the thick-berried holly, the mistletoe, dear to Druid priests, the laurel and the yew, the trees are bared, and the warblers of the sky avoid their desolate branches. We are driven inward. The fireside is the centre of a thousand charms. Home is clothed in its most beautiful garments. We are forced to the conclusion that we need other help than Mother Earth can give us. Our hearts open instinctively to heaven and its message, and with willing feet we haste to do the will of Him "Who, though He was rich, yet for our sakes became poor." - [Christmas] Forest areas exercise a positive climatic influence upon the surrounding country. They modify the extremes of heat and cold, and render the temperature more equable throughout the year. - [Arbor Day] Free soil, free men, free speech, Fremont. - [Freedom] From principles is derived probability; but truth, or certainty, is obtained only from facts. - [Facts] Give us more and more of real Christianity, and we shall need less of its evidences. - [Christianity] He must have a dull and sluggish soul, who can look without emotion on the quiet graves of the early settlers of this country; who can tread upon their moldering bones without a thought of their privations and their toils--who can, from their tombs, look out upon the rural loveliness--the fruitfulness and peace, by which he is surrounded, nor drop a tear to the memories of the dead, who won, by the stoutness of their hearts, and the sweat of their brows, the blessings their children have only to cherish and enjoy. - in Western and Eastern Rambles, pp. 133-34 [Dominion Day] He walks in the Presence of God that converses with Him in frequent prayer and communion; that runs to Him with all his necessities, that asks counsel of Him in all his doubtings, that opens all his wants to Him; weeps before Him for all his sins; and that asks remedy and support for all his weaknesses, that fears Him as a Judge, reverences Him as a Lord, and obeys Him as a Father. - [Communion] Displaying page 2 of 8 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 8
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