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He who thinks the most good and speaks the least ill of his neighbors--the man we love. - [Toasts] Here's a sigh to those who love me, And a smile for those who hate; And whatever sky's above me, Here's a heart for every fate. - [Toasts] Here's to American valor: May no war require it, but may it ever be ready for every foe? - [Toasts] Here's to friends both near and far; Here's to woman, man's guiding star; Here's to friends we've yet to meet, Here's to those here, all here I greet; Here's to childhood, youth, old age; Here's to prophet, bard and sage, Here's a health to every one, Peace on earth, and heaven won! - [Toasts] Here's to love, the only fire against which there is no insurance. - [Toasts] Here's to one; may she be won, May their joys be as deep as the ocean, And their misfortune as light as its foam. - [Toasts] Here's to our sweethearts and our wives; May our sweethearts soon become our wives, And our wives ever remain our sweethearts. - [Toasts] Here's to the heart Though another's it be; Here's to the cheeks, Though they bloom not for me. - [Toasts] Here's to the wings of love; May they never moult a feather Until your little barque and my little barque Sail down the stream of life together. - [Toasts] Here's to woman. Before marriage a queen. After marriage--a subject. - [Toasts] Here's wishing us all more friends and less need of them. - [Toasts] His perseverance never failed; when rejected at Genoa, rejected at Venice, rejected in Portugal, delayed in England and delayed in Spain, he still persevered, amid all the trials of his immortal voyage until on the morning of the 12th of October, 1492, he saw the sand glistening on the shores of the New World, and in a little while heard one of the men on the Pinta call out, "Land! land!" and a new world was discovered. - [Discovery Day] Honour hath her degrees: there is excess In all revenge, that may be done with less. - [Revenge] How easily and contentedly we speak of Jesus Christ as our example. Do we realize what it means? If we did, it would revolutionize our life. Do we begin to know our Bible as He did? Do we begin to pray as He did? How thoughtful He was for others, how patient toward dullness, how quiet under insult! Think of what it meant for Him to take a basin and towel like a slave and wash the disciples' feet! Do we stoop to serve? Can anyone say of us, as was said of Him, that we go about "doing good"? Think of His words, servants of His, "I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you." "Christlike is a word often on our lips. Do not speak it too lightly. It is the heart of God's predestination. It is our high calling. - [Christ] How like a winter hath my absence been From thee, the pleasure of the fleeting year! What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen! What old December's bareness everywhere. - [Absence] If it wasn't for myopia, We could see to Ethiopia. - [Sight] If you can accept losing, you can't win. - [Acceptance] If you can hear the bells of St. Michaels, then you are in Old Town. - [Chicago] If you can walk, you can run. - [Effort] If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space. - [Living : Risk] If you're not the lead dog, the view never changes. - [Leadership] In all thickly peopled countries the forests no longer supply the necessities for wood by natural production. - [Arbor Day] In every profession the daily and common duties are the most useful. - [Duty] In the olden times trees were planted about the home to commemorate events in the family. Grandfather's and grandmother's maple trees still stand in front of the old homestead gate. They were planted on their wedding day many years ago. Large, grand trees they are now, and they have been homes of generations of birds who have been reared amid their branches and taught how to use their wings, and each summer time they seem to increase in number. A new tree was planted when each little child came to gladden the home. They were called birthday trees. Here and there on the homestead grounds stand the memorial trees, planted when some of the loved ones went away from the home on earth to the Father's home above. - [Arbor Day] It has been wisely suggested that each State should choose its own tree, which in every case should be one that will thrive best in its soil. - [Arbor Day] Displaying page 3 of 8 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8
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